how they deal with sad y/n

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in this your best friend committed suicide so tw for that


people in this chapter :)



what sun would do


sun: hey sunshine! walks into your room in the daycare

y/n: h-hey.. sun.. wipes tears

sun: you alright sunshine?! what happened?? runs upto you

y/n: its.. its nothing just heard something i shouldnt..

sun: sighs i know i shouldnt ask this but.. what did you hear..?

y/n: ...

sun: hey, hey you dont have to tell me! im not going to force you..

y/n: my.. best friend just.. co-committed suicide..

sun: oh my! come here sunshine.. puts his arms out to hug y/n

y/n: walks upto sun and hugs him

sun: shh its okay..


what moon would do


moon: y/n? y/n?!

y/n: wipes tears and walks out their room to see what moon needed yea..?

moon: you okay? you dont.. seem like yourself

y/n: im okay!

moon: walks upto you i might not be good with comforting people but i can tell when someones upset y/n. so tell me whats up..?

y/n: ...

moon: please..? hugs you

y/n: surprised moon..? why are you..

moon: shut it.. im not doing this again so.. dont get used to it!

y/n: okay giggles abit

moon: so? what happened?

y/n: oh.. my best friend just.. committed suicide..

moon: oh my god.. are you- are you okay??

y/n: yea im okay! it just surprised me thats all [she/he/they] never said anything about it to me so i never knew until it was too late..

moon: hey starlight.. sometimes people dont tell others what their going through so the other doesnt worry about them too much okay? maybe [she/he/they] didnt want you to worry about them..

y/n: yea i.. i guess thats what could of happened..


what eclipse would do


eclipse: y/n?

y/n: yea..?

eclipse: whats wrong.

y/n: nothing why..?

eclipse: dont lie.. i know when somethings wrong.

y/n: just my best friend k!lled [herselves/himselves/theirselves]

eclipse: oh.. wanna.. talk about it maybe..?

y/n: yea.. sure thatll help..

[y/n and eclipse talked for about 30-40 minutes about it]

eclipse: aw sorry for your loss by the way y/n

y/n: hey its alright 'clipse

eclipse: 'clipse?

y/n: its just a nickname.

eclipse: i know giggles


what lunar would do


y/n: walks into lunars room hey..

lunar: hey y/n!! you okay?

y/n: yea im fine..

lunar: come here

y/n: walks upto lunar yea?

lunar: hugs you you sure?

y/n: ...

lunar: y/n?

y/n: my best friend just k!lled themselves

lunar: doesnt know what that means y/n? what does that mean?

y/n: oh right you dont know it uh means how you like- us humans can die right. you can be k!lled as one of the ways you die.. well [she/he/they] did it to themselves.. by.. taking too much pills to help [her/him/them] and [she/he/they] over-do3sd..

lunar: oh my.. im so so sorry for you y/n..

y/n: hey its alright lunar its not your fault, its mine for not helping them..

lunar: y/n its not your fault either!! you didnt know they were going to die did you?

y/n: no not really

lunar: well then its not your fault hugs you even more


A/N omg that took 2-3 days to do!! its over 600 words as well!!!! the most ive done on one of these books


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