Yandere Eclipse?..

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people in this chapter :)

[name] you choose,
y/ns mum,
y/ns dad.


y/ns pov


i was hanging out with [name] at mine when i heard the door.

"Y/N! CAN YOU GET THE DOOR PLEASE?" my mum shouted "OKAY!" i shouted back as i got off my bed and walked downstairs.

who could it be? no one else was supposed to be coming over i thought as i got to the front door.

i opened it.

"hell- oh! clipsy!!" i said as i hugged him "what are you doing here?" i asked as i let go.

"i thought i might surprise you! what? am i not allowed to surprise my sunlight?" he said as he kneeled down so we were eye level.

"well- yea- you are- but-" i stuttered "well then! may i come in?" eclipse said, why is he acting all sweet all of a sudden? i thought to myself zoning out.


third person pov


"y/nnnn, sunlighttttt" eclipse said trying to get y/ns attention, here goes nothing i guess- eclipse thought.

"love~" eclipse whispered into y/ns ear, "LOVE???" y/n said zoning back to reality blushing "yes love~ what dont like it?~ thats sad" eclipse whispered into y/ns ear again.

"i-i-i its not that i dont hate it its just-" y/n started "what?" "y/nnnnn can you hurry uppppp" [name] said as they walked over to y/n.

"whos this?" [name] said oh shit- y/n thought to themselves "well this is-" "im their boyfriend. who are you?" eclipse cut y/n off and started eyeing [name] up and down.

"boyfriend huh? well you must not be important to y/n. theyve never mentioned you to me." [name] started.

"just answer the fucking question." eclipse said "woah woah calm down!!" y/n said to eclipse "clipse. whats gotton into you? what happened? you were never like this" y/n said annoyed abit from eclipses attitude.

"y/n. if this is your boyfriend you have to break up with him quickly" [name] said getting on eclipses last nerve "[name] im not-" "loveeee im tiredddd can we watch a movieeeee?" eclipse said faking a yawn.

"yeah come on" y/n said as they walked inside, "you touch y/n and youre dead. you hear me?" eclipse said "yeah yeah whatever" [name] said as they walked inside to y/n.

im going to fucking kill them. eclipse thought as he walked up to them as well, "what movie?" y/n asked as they sat in the middle of [name] and eclipse.

"hmm how about [favourite movie]?" eclipse suggested "yeah sure!" y/n said they played the movie.


30 minutes into the movie~


eclipse grabbed y/ns waist and pulled them closer to himself "you tired love?" "mhmm yeah.." y/n said as they cuddled into eclipse more.

y/n fell asleep not long after they cuddled eclipse, [name] was getting annoyed that eclipse had them all to himself, "dont try anything." eclipse said as he moved y/n to the side and stood up "where are you going? going to leave y/n all alone?" "shut. it. im getting something to eat." eclipse said as he walked out.

"hello miss l/n" eclipse said as he walked into the kitchen "hello eclipse when did you get here?" "like 30 minutes ago wanted to surprise y/n" eclipse said as he grabbed some sour patch kids "ah okay" y/ns mum said as he walked out and back to where y/n was.

eclipse sat back down and put y/n back to where they were before, "darling~" eclipse said trying to wake y/n up.

"mhmm not now clipsey" y/n said "five more minutes.." "i have food" eclipse said "really?!" y/n said excitingly as they woke up "gimme! gimme gimme gimme!!" y/n said as they saw he had sour patch kids.

eclipse giggled as he handed y/n some.


a couple months in the future eclipse and [name] have been forced to be nice around y/n and [name] is getting more and more on eclipses last nerve.


eclipse and [name] were agruing about y/n.

"THEY PROBABLY DONT EVEN LIKE YOU!" [name] shouted at eclipse.

"what.." eclipse said a little upset, y/n walked in as eclipse said that "clipse? you okay?" they said as they went up and hugged eclipse.

"yeah.. yeah im okay" eclipse said trying to rensure y/n, "hah see they dont!" [name] said to eclipse, "fuck off.." eclipse said to [name] "eclipse!! i thought you two were getting along? what happened?!" "why dont you ask that dick of a friend?!" eclipse said to y/n as he lightly pushed y/n away.

"eclipse?.." "sorry y/n. i just need time to think" "thats alright!.. just tell me when you want to talk.." y/n said as they left, "youre such a bad boyfriend huh?" [name] said to eclipse "..." eclipse grabbed [name] and brought them into a room that y/n doesnt know about.

eclipse grabbed a knife and pushed [name] against a wall and held the knife to their neck.

"what the fuck?!" [name] said out of terror.

"oh swearing are we?~" eclipse said as he slightly moved the knife, "you-youre insane.." [name] said stuttering from the knife moving.

"oh i know i am~ thats why y/n loves me~" eclipse whispered "...they do-dont lo-love you..." [name] said "why are you lying?~" eclipse said "im.. im not.." [name] said.

"do you want this fast or slow~" eclipse said sliding the knife over abit more.

"what..? uhm.. fast..?" [name] said "good choice" eclipse said to [name] "what..?" "no questions." eclipse said as he punched [name] in the face.


im not good at writing about death so skip to after they die and y/n finds them, eclipse and y/n were in y/ns room


"what happened to them.." y/n said while crying "i dont know y/n.. i just found them on the floor.." eclipse said as he hugged y/n "how.. how did it happen.." "i.. it looks like he was stabbed.."


A/N like i said im not the best at writing about this plus i dont know exactly how to make a yandere person! this was a request! if you want a part two just ask and ill try my best!


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