moon cuddles <3

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"hey y/n? moon wants you" sun said walking into y/ns room and leaning against the door.

"hm? what for?" y/n asked getting off of their bed, "i dont know, hes kinda pissed off from naptime, the kids drained him."

"oh god..-" y/n mumbled to themself as they put their phone away, "alright" they smiled at sun then left their room, going to moons, sun smiled back at y/n then went to his room.

y/n walked into moons room and looked about "moony?" y/n finally saw moon "moo-" y/n turned slightly red at moon.

moon was sitting on a chair he had at his desk, manspreading while looking at y/n.

"ah y/n~" he said as he stopped manspreading, y/n had calmed down slightly "u-uh yeah, sun said you wanted me?"

"i wouldnt say want, more like need~" y/n turned more red and looked away "we-well what do you need me for?"

"cuddless~" moon said tilting his head slightly to look at y/n more, y/n looked back at moon, completely forgetting cuddles calm him down.

"okay" y/n walked over to moons bed and sat down, still red, moon got up from his chair and walked over to his bed and stood in front of y/n, eye level with them.

y/n looked up at moon and gulped slightly, getting nervous "h-hi?" "hi~" moon smiled and sat down next to y/n, then laid down and made them lay next to him.

y/n smiled and looked at him, moon cuddled them quickly, "i love you starlight~" y/n blinked and quickly hid their face in his man tittes, "i-i love you too moony.."

moon chuckled quietly and held them close, playing with their hair, y/n just continued to hide their face in his man tittes.

moon then slowly fell asleep while cuddling y/n, y/n looked up at him and kissed his cheek, then fell asleep as well.

S.A.M.S/E.A.L.S (+ bm) x y/n stories! {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now