trying my best~ [human lunar]

591 7 93


i love doing these and i have so much motivation for them-


who x y/n?: human lunar x y/n

requested by: myself <3

theme: lunar angst (no fluff)

how much words?: 1083

tws: metion of suicide, self harm, suicidal lunar.

for lunar speaking its underlined


"lunar? lunarr where are you??" y/n called out looking for lunar, he had just disappeared on them, they were so confused on where he had went.

lunar was sitting against the bathroom sink, crying, blood on his wrists, bloody razorblade in hand, pain going through his body, wanting it to end, wanting the pain to end.

"lunar? are you in the bathroom?" y/n said outside the bathroom door, they tired opening it "lunar why did you lock the door? you never lock it." they said concerned for lunar.

"lunar! lunar open the door!" "..." lunar said nothing, he didnt even make a noise, this concerned y/n even more "lunar please.. at least say something.. i want to know if youre okay.." "im-im fine!" lunar said hiding the tears in his voice the best he could.

"could you please open this door? or at least unlock it?" y/n asked calmly trying to get lunar to open it, "i-i dont want too.." lunar said to tired to hide the tears in his voice not caring if y/n heard or not.

"lunar? are you- crying?" they asked trying their best to open the door.

lunar got up and put the razorblade down on the sink and walked towards the door, unlocking it for y/n to open, he stood back abit waiting for it to open.

y/n opened the door and walked into the bathroom seeing lunar with tears in his eyes, "lunar? what happened?" she asked walking upto him and wiping his tears away.

"im sorry y/n.." "sorry for what?" y/n asked "sorry for being a burden, sorry for being annoying towards you, sorry for hurting you when i did, sorry for being friends with you, sorry for knowing you, sorry for being alive, sorry for being- just- me.." lunar blurted out to y/n.


"i know you think i got it all figured out 'cause.. i walk around like my heads in the clouds but-" lunar started.


"im just a boy with his heart pourin' out of his head!" lunar said trying to sound happy.

"i wish that you could see the pain that ive seen.." lunar backed up from y/n going towards the sink and picking up the razorblade.

"and..?" y/n asked confused.

"all the the times i spend being not me and.." lunar continued moving the razorblade up to his wrist.

"lunar dont please.." y/n said walking upto him putting their hand on his shoulder for support.

"i hope you know that its not always happy in my head!" lunar finished sounding annoyed at someone but y/n couldnt tell who that 'someone' was.

"lunar.. its normal for people to be like this! everyone goes through it at some point, some people might end their pain from it but thats their choice no one elses" y/n said trying to cheer up lunar.

"i dont know.." lunar said looking into the mirror.

"the perfect road to go down?" y/n said looking at him.

"but i know" they continued.

"im trying my best! im trying my best to be okay!!" lunar said throwing the razorblade across the bathroom.

"im trying my best but everyday.." lunar said tears forming in his eyes.

"its so hard?" y/n asked hugging lunar being careful not to hurt his wrist anymore then it already is.

"and im holding my breath, im holding my breath til' i can say" lunar said looking at y/n.

"all of the words i want to say from my heart" lunar said tears coming down his cheeks.

i love you,

i want to be with you,

i want you to be mine,

i want you..


lunar thought to himself.

"lunar.. you know i care for you right? it gets better trust me, i went through it, ive tired it before, but here i am standing with my favourite person in the whole world, alive, hugging them" they said to lunar, lunar smiled abit knowing he was y/ns favourite.


a little later after lunar and eclipse have an argument on something


"if you really wanted i could let you inside, its been so long and ive got nothing left to hide, would you believe me if i told you that ive got flaws?" lunar asked y/n tears streaming down his face.

"now its time to let the curtains unfold"

"and tell all the stories that i didnt want told yeah, let it out so i unburden my soul i wont stop.. cause i dont know, the perfect road to go down but i know.." lunar said looking away from y/n.

"youre trying your best! youre trying your best to be okay!" y/n said hugging lunar.

im trying my best, im trying my best to be okay.

"im trying my best but everyday.. its so hard.. and im holding my breath, im holding my breath til' i can say.. all of the words i want to say from my heart.."

"lunar, you can tell me anything alright? trust me.. please?" y/n said making lunar look at them.

"youre trying your best! youre trying your best to be okay! youre trying your best but-"

im trying my best, im trying my best to be okay but.

"everyday.. its so hard.. and im holding my breath, im holding my breath til' i can say.. all of the words i want to say from my heart.."

"y/n.. i-i sighs i love you!" lunar blurted out to y/n.

"lunar i-"



i didnt want to add fluff cause there was already enough fluff done! (sorry star-)

i actually kinda love this-

if you are going through shit you can easily vent to me all you want! i dont mind to be honest i like helping others, just know suicide isnt always the right choice. and if you do choose it i feel so sorry for you because whatever made you feel like suicide is the only answer must be so hard, and im so sorry if you relate to this song.

remember i love you all <3 /p

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