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this was also a request! like in all my other chapters i will try my best to do what they mean-


people in this chapter :)

*abit of* lunar,


third person pov


eclipse and lunar had just finished recording a minecraft video for the channel.

y/n was sitting in the background watching them have fun giggling every now and then.

eclipse didnt like the fact y/n was watching, he didnt like y/n all together, but thats just his personality.

he doesnt like anyone,

apart from lunar, his brother.

the only reason y/n was watching was thanks to lunar.

everyone say 'thank you lunar'

y/n and lunar were close but they didnt hang out much cause y/n had work and they worked night shifts most of the time, thats the time lunar came out.

but enough about lunar, this is about eclipse.

lunar had already left to see if moon needed help with anything.

as y/n walked to the door eclipse stopped them.

"eclipse i need to go, gregory needs help" y/n said trying to get past eclipse.

"no. youre not going anywhere until i say so." eclipse said.

"eclipse-" y/n was cut off by eclipse putting his finger on their mouth to shut them up.

"shut. it. im trying to be nice. lunar wants me to." eclipse said taking his finger off y/ns mouth.

"be nice?- sorry thats not possible for you" y/n started giggling abit.

"do you want me to kill you?" eclipse questioned.

"n-no-" y/n stuttered their face turning red abit.

"well then" eclipse didnt notice their red face.

y/n was able to get past eclipse but they knew they were dead if eclipse caught them.

they ran.

like- ran.


10 minutes later


y/n was now tied up by eclipse in his room.

"eclipse let me go!!" y/n said getting annoyed at him.

"oh but sunlight thats no fun~" he was now inches away from their face.

"eclip-eclipse-" y/n said sounding scared.

"y/n- am i- am i scaring you?" eclipse said moving back a little.

"kinda.." y/n look away "oh sunlight.. im sorry" he then hugged y/n "what do you want to do instead then?" "..." y/n didnt say anything still looking away.

"y/n please talk to me" eclipse said trying to get them to speak "i-i dont know" y/n looked at him.

he looks- god- y/n thought as they turned red again.

S.A.M.S/E.A.L.S (+ bm) x y/n stories! {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now