bloodmoon <3

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hug from bloodmoon! this was a request as you can tell from above- i will try my best to do this. hope you like it!

also TW for,

abit of romance (not to much-)
swearing (but at the same time thats in every chapter so yea-)


people in this chapter :)

[name] (someone other then the last chapter-)


y/ns pov


"im bored what can we do?" [name] said sitting on their bed as i was leaning against the wall.

"i dont know im just as bored as you dumba-s" i said wishing something interesting would happen, "ughhhhh" [name] groaned.

out of nowhere i heard someone shout upstairs, "Y/NNNNNN" i heard, who the hell?- i thought as i got to the top of the stairs.

"lunar- what?-" "bloodmoon wants you!" lunar shouted "why me? i dont even like that b-tch" i said annoyed.


third persons pov


y/n then walked downstairs "so?" they asked lunar "i dont know he just said he needs you in his room" "oh-kay" y/n said then shouted upstairs to [name] "BYE B-TCH!" [name] was fine with y/n leaving them by themselves.

y/n and lunar walked over to the pizzaplex and into bloodmoons room, "the f-ck do you need?" y/n asked.

"come here." bloodmoon said sounding intimidating "uhm- ok-okay?" y/n said unsure.

"i left my friend so this better be important." y/n walked upto bloodmoon while lunar left the two alone.

bloodmoon turned around "no. when i say here i mean here." he said pointing right in front of him.

"okay..?" y/n said, bloodmoon then grabbed their hands.

"blo-bloodmoon?-" "shut. up." bloodmoon then pulled y/n closer.

"bloodmoon- what are you?-" bloodmoon cut y/n off by hugging them.

"bloodmoon whats gotton into you?!" y/n said pushing him away "y/n. we might hate each other. but you dont do that." bloodmoon then pulled y/n into a hug again.

"dont. you. dare. move." "fi-fine.." y/n said looking away, "no." bloodmoon then grabbed their chin and made it so y/n was looking up at him.

"what do you mean no?" y/n asked.

"you do as i say." bloodmoon started "you little b-tch." he continued.

"f-ck you.." y/n said "no~ now just stop pushing me away." "whatever.." y/n said.


y/ns pov


i was feeling something i shouldnt.

i didnt like this kind of feelings.

but with bloodmoon.


was fine with it..?

why am i fine with it.

i hate him.

hes the worst.

he killed people.

he hurt people.

why did i..?

"y/n~" bloodmoon said snapping me out of my trance "what?" i said trying to sound annoyed.

"why are you still hugging me?~" he said.

what?- i thought to myself then i realised i had been hugging him for awhile now.

"f-ck off." i said pushing him away.

"naughty~ i never said you could stop~ you deserve to be punished~" he said making me confused.

"pun-punished..?" i said realising what he said.

"oh dont worry sweetheart~ it wont be too bad~" bloodmoon said.

sweetheart?- what?- i thought blushing at the nickname.

suddenly bloodmoon kissed me but broke the kiss after abit.

"what the hell was that for?!" i said.

"oh come on now~ i know you like it~" bloodmoon said


A/N imma stop this now before i get to carried away- also sorry if this isnt what you meant- i can try and make it how you want it! not as much words as the eclipse one but i dont really know what to do- im going to stop before i get annoying so thanks for you! also thanks for over 300 f-cking reads- like- WHAT?! HOW???


S.A.M.S/E.A.L.S (+ bm) x y/n stories! {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now