top sun~ <3

515 8 19

requested by: Mince_Sooshi
for: SilentStarlightings
tws?: just some kinky shit, not to much tho

y/n was laying on their bed looking at the ceiling out of boredom, suddenly sun came in their room and leaned against the door frame

"sunshineee?" sun said, smiling, y/n looked at sun "oh hey sunny!" they said as they sat up, sun walked over to them and sat next to them

y/n leaned their head on his shoulder, "how you been?" sun asked, looking at them, "ive been good, just bored" y/n responded

sun chuckled slightly and wrapped his arm around their waist, pulling them slightly closer, "what about you?" y/n asked looking up at him

"ive been good~" sun said then kissed their forehead, y/n smiled "good!" sun layed down with y/n and cuddles them, being clingy

"i love you sunshine~" sun said playing with y/ns hair "i love you too sunny~" y/n said back, burying their face in his man tits

{abit later~}

y/n was hiding their face in suns neck, giving him slight kisses, sun letting out quiet moans every now and then

"so handsome~" y/n mumbled and continued kissing suns neck slightly, "n-no~" sun said

"yess~" y/n said as they stopped kissing his neck, sun looked at them, "no~" he said and hid his face in their neck

"yess~" y/n said playing with his hair, sun then started kissing their neck, y/n let out quiet moans from this

sun started softly biting their neck, not leaving any hickeys "ah~" y/n moaned, covering their mouth to muffle it

sun then started biting harder "c'mon let me hear you sunshine~" he said as he continued biting harder, y/n uncovered their mouth "ah!~" they moaned slightly louder

sun left a couple of hickeys then stopped, "you alright dear?~ i didnt hurt you to much did i?~" he asked, playing with their hair

y/n hid their face in his man tits "i-im fine..~ y-you didnt hurt me..~" they said tiredly

"good~ get some rest~" sun said and kissed their head "a-alright..~" y/n said yawning, "i-i love you sunny..~ g-goodnight..~" they then slowly fell asleep

"i love you too my dear~ goodnight~" sun said and cuddled them, falling asleep afterwards

woo! short chapter but thats fine, this was requested by sooshi but its for star mainly-

S.A.M.S/E.A.L.S (+ bm) x y/n stories! {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now