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Yeji 's P.O.V:

"Since I caused the mess for 8 months, It's my treat," I said excitedly before going inside my room to fetch my wallet and money. To my surprise, nothing changed in our room. Lia kept everything in its usual order. I moved closer to the dressing table where I used to keep my wallet and my Cards. After the accident, Ryujin was the one taking care of my expenses, so I didn't bother about my cash and wallet. As per my guess, Lia will keep my belongings in the same location. Luckily she kept it in the usual spot, it was easier to find it.

Mentally I praised myself for wasting no time on the mission. While I turned my head to leave the room I noticed one dairy placed above the side table. Obviously, it was Lia's dairy. Usually, I am not the type of person to inward others' privacy. But knowing Lia, she wasn't a regular dairy writer. She writes only when she can't share her thoughts with others. To be precise when she feels lonely. Seeing this dairy breaks my heart a bit.

Unknowingly I moved closer to the dairy. It reads 'My Yeji '. Seeing those words 'My Yeji ' melts my heart, which means she didn't hate me. I feel better. She wrote my name on the cover which means it is for me. So It is not wrong to read it further. Also, I need to know what happened in these past 8 months. It's a better opportunity to know the details. Because it seems like no one will disclose everything to me. So why not.

I took that dairy with me when I left the room. Both Ryujin and Yuna are waiting for me outside. But they both looked a bit down. 'Is anything happened while I searched for my wallet? But I didn't take a lot of time. Then?' thoughts ran inside my head.

"Hey what happened? Is everything ok? If not, we can go some other day." I said while approaching them.

Suddenly Yuna started to cry. I moved closer to her and raised her head using my fingers. "Hey dear, why are you crying? What happened? Is Ryujin unfriend you?" I asked while smiling at her.

"Mom, you didn't cause any mess during the treatment period mom. Even though you forgot us, still you treated me like a princess. So don't say that again Mom." She replied, looking at me.

"Of course, I will treat you like a princess. Because you are my princess. By the way, If Ryujin breaks up with your buddy things don't cry like this Okay? She is my BFF and will be forever." I said with a fake excited tone.

"Wow, Don't worry Yeji . I am not planning to break up with my buddy. But maybe I think I should break up with my BFF. She is becoming an annoyance." Ryujin said with a smirk.

"What? Are you really planning to break up with me? Ah, my heart hurts. I wish I shouldn't get my memory back this morning. I gain those memories only to lose my Best friend." I said with a fake cry. Yuna was shocked by my actions.

"Hey Drama queen, If you are done with the acting can we move? Today is your appointment day." She said with a smile.

"Oh, sad. My acting failed once again. But trust me I love you as much as I love my family. You are like a family to me and I will never forget your help." I said with sincerity.

"I already know Yeji . There is no need for any explanation. I know you better than anyone else. Now come, let's go to the hospital before going to the beach." She pulled me out with her.

Yuna happily followed behind us.

I don't know what I did in my life to deserve this kind and beautiful soul. I felt great for all of them.

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