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Yeji's P.O.V:

I just now came out of the restroom and walked towards our lunch table. I can see there was a commotion between Ryujin and Yuna. Ryujin was a bit annoyed but Yuna is smiling, maybe it was another episode of Yuna bullying Ryujin. I smiled at their silliness and moved faster towards the table.

"Okay, mommy. I will call you later. I might be disturbing your work. Take care mommy. Love you." with that Yuna quickly dropped her call. I was a bit away from the table but still, I heard what Yuna said. 'Is she speaking with Lia? Should I slow down my walk? Because I am not ready to call or chat with Lia right now.' When I was busy with my thoughts, suddenly Ryujin forcely grabbed her mobile from Yuna. I was shocked by her reaction. I had never seen her wild like this before, So I rushed towards the table. Once I reached the table Her frustrated look turned into a sad one when she looked at me. Before I could speak she said, "hey Yeji, I am planning to look for some other starters. Do you want anything?". I know it is a fake smile. But I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. So I just shook my head. As expected she left Yuna and me at the table and went towards the counter.

Once she left I moved my focus from Ryujin to Yuna. Yuna was on the verge of tears. She must be hurt. Because she never saw this side of Ryujin before. As per their connection during my memory loss, I can bet they were even closer in the past months. I assume Ryujin must be in a serious situation without knowing that Yuna might be playing some games with her. So She must be frustrated by Yuna's actions. I don't know about the whole story so I waited for Yuna to give some input. After a few minutes passed Yuna looked at me with sad eyes, "Mom Is Ryujin aunty mad?"

"I am not sure. But it seems like a bit." I said with a small tone.

"Is she mad at me?" She asked with teary eyes.

"I don't think she will be mad at you. She might be stressed with something else. So don't worry much." I said smiling at her while holding her chin.

"No Mom, I think I was the reason." She said with another sad tone.

"Why Yuna? Did you two get into a fight while I went to the washroom? I don't think Ryujin will argue about something silly. Can You tell me the details? Please. So that I can help you." I said with an assuring smile.

"I am sorry Mom." Yuna's tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Hey what happened Yuna? Is it something serious? Even if it's a serious one Don't cry, I will talk to Ryujin for you. Okay." I said with a nervous tone while whipping her tears.

"Mom I missed mommy so I bought a mobile from Ryujin aunty and was talking with mommy about joining us at the beach today. But she said she is busy & can't join us today. Then she promised a family trip to the beach again someday. So I asked can we include Ryujin aunty too. And mommy agreed to that." She said and looked at me.

"I don't see any arguments with this story. Everyone agrees to the plan. I will be happier If Ryujin joins us." I said with a smile.

"But I don't think Ryujin aunty is Okay with this plan. She tried to deny the plan and even asked me to hand her phone to talk with mommy. But I refused and dropped the call. Then I think she got mad at me, That's why she left me without a word." Yuna replied while looking down.

So Now it's confirmed, They called Lia when I was away. Ryujin must have tried to check with Lia about my accident memories but Yuna ruined it. That's why she might be frustrated. I took a moment to think of words to comfort Yuna.

"Hey Yuna, look at me." I said while lifting her face. "It was rude to ignore the elders' opinion even for fun. So don't do it again okay?" I asked her with a soft tone.

"Yes mom, I know it. But I want Ryujin aunty to be a part of our family. That's why I ignored her request, sorry." She replied with the same sad voice.

I brightly smiled at her, "I know dear. I want her to be a part of our family trip as much as you want. But we can't force her, you know right." She nodded her head.

"Because she's already a part of our family. So there's no need to force her to attend our family trip to prove she is part of us. She might have other plans, So we should consider her opinion." I said while looking at her. Again she looked down so I continued, "But I can assure there is one person who can convince her to do any crazy stuff. So convincing her to go on this trip won't be difficult."

"So Mom, can you help me with convincing her? You two are best friends right?" She replied with an exciting sound.

"It's not me dear. I was talking about you. If you request her to join that trip, surely she will. But don't forget to apologize for your mistake first. Okay?" I replied.

"Really... I mean sure Mom. I will apologize to her. Love you mom." She said while hugging me.

"Love you too darling." I said while hugging her back.

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