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Ryujin 's P.O.V:

I went closer to our table holding the candies I bought for Yuna. Both Yuna and Yeji were sitting there in silence. 'Oh God, Yuna is still worrying about my rude act. I didn't plan to hurt her. Will she accept my apology? Wait, Yeji is also staying silent, did she know I called Lia a few minutes ago? What if she is angry with me for making Yuna sad and calls Lia? Ah, it's driving me crazy. Is it okay to leave through the backdoor instead of facing them? That might be an easy task.' while I was busy thinking Yeji waves at me. 'Thank God, Now I have to convince only one person.' I smiled and move towards her and took a seat.

"Yuna, I bought your favorite candies." I said excitingly while looking at her.

"I am sorry Aunty." Suddenly she started to cry.

I was shocked and immediately moved towards her and wiped her tears away, "Hey baby, What happened? Why are you crying? Actually I want to say sorry for being rude to you. Please don't cry." I said with a worried look.

"No aunty, it was my mistake. I shouldn't force you to do things for me. At least I should have asked for your consent before committing any plans. Sorry." She said while looking down.

Thinking about the fact I made her feel guilty of something silly made me cry. "Yuna, please don't cry. Sorry I was preoccupied with something, that's why I became violent minutes before. It's not your mistake baby. Please don't cry. I can't see you being sad like this. Please don't cry." I said while practically kneeling before her seat.

"Am I forgiven aunty?" She said while looking at me with a sad face.

"There's no need for it. I should be the one to ask for your forgiveness. Will you forgive me for being rude?" I asked with a sad tone.

"So will you come with us for the next trip? Please?" She asked with a nervous tone.

"What trip? I don't know anything about it." I said with a confused tone.

"To our family trip. Me and mommy planned a while ago. I asked both mom and mommy, and they are okay with you joining us. Please Aunty, I want you to join us. Please. Please." She started to please me.

"Anything for you princess. If that makes you happy, I will." I said while looking at her, she smiled cute. "Now am I forgiven?" I asked her with a nervous tone.

"There is no need for sorry between friends and buddies aunty." She said with a smile. "Can I have a hug please?" She said While pouting.

I nodded my head while pulling her for a hug. "Wow, now I know why my mom likes your hugs. It's so soft and comfortable. Thanks aunty." She said while I released her from the hug. 

"Is it? Then, thanks baby." I replied and moved towards my seat. 'My mom likes your hugs. wait. I didn't notice that character.' While I looked at Yeji, she was smiling while holding her mobile in front of her.

"I forgot about you. What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Nothing much. Just recording a two cry babies reunion drama." She said and quickly hid her mobile.

"What? Just delete it. Does it look like a drama for you?" I asked with irritation.

"Yes, kind of. You both looked like a newly committed couple a while ago. So I thought of recording those special moments. What's wrong with it?" She said with a smile.

"Yeji delete it while I am asking nicely. Don't regret it later." I said with a serious tone.

She mocked my expressions. "I hate you. Don't talk to me Okay." I said while crossing my arms.

"Yeah I love you too." She said with a beautiful smile. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, don't act drama queen. I know you can't hate me." She said while nudging me.

"Whatever I think, I have to reconsider being your friend. It's better being alone than sticking with you all day." I said with a blank tone.

"Hey Ryujin , are you serious?" She asked me again in a serious tone.

"Yes I am serious. I am done with you." I said with another blank tone to tease her reaction. But suddenly she started to cry, "If you don't want to be a part of my friend and family, you are allowed to leave. I am not forcing you to stay with me and share all my problems. I don't want to be a burden to anyone. Please leave before it's too late and I start to feel the pain." 

I started to panic, 'I don't want to hurt her. Actually I want to protect her from any hurt. But I hurted her while planning to do something funny. Oh God, please help me.' I am on the verge of crying. Wow it's the second or third time today, I think it's not a good day for me.

"Hey Yeji, please. I am sorry. I just wanted to play with you. I will never hate you. I am willing to be with you for any ups and downs. And you will never be a burden to me. So please don't cry. I never meant to hurt you or Yuna's feelings. I was stupid. Please forgive me." I said with tears.

"I know you love me. And you can do anything to make me feel comfortable and happy. I just wanted to play with you idiot." She said while slapping my arms. I looked at Yuna's location and she smiled at us. With a confused face I turned my face towards Yeji, She was also smiling. 

"Oh God, I don't know you became this much sensitive to small things." Yeji said while hugging me.

"Are you having fun playing with my emotions?" I said with a small voice.

"What? No. I will never play with your emotions for fun. You are the one who started this drama. I just played along." She said while tapping my back.

"Then why did you make it a serious one? I was scared that I hurted you. Don't do it again okay." I said while keeping my head on her shoulder.

"I am sorry. I just wanted a hug from you suddenly. But you will refuse it. So I played a game to get what I want." I broke my hug to look at her face. She has a beautiful smile.

"Are you for real?" I asked because I can't believe her. She was acting like a child. 

"Yes I am. Now I want another hug. Can I?" She asked me again.

"You're unbelievable. Yes you can. But don't pull drama next time. Just ask directly like this okay." I said while looking at her.

"Wait. I too want Ryujin aunty's hug." Yuna shouted from her seat. 

"Ok then a group hug." I said while opening my arms. We 3 hugged for a minute. "I can't blame Mom. Your hug is so soft and it makes us comfortable." Yuna said with a smile. Yeji nodded her head.

"Okay ladies. Can we eat our lunch before dinner time?" I asked them when I noticed our food was on the way. 

"Yes." They both said in unison.

"Oh my sweet babies are hungry." I said with a cute voice.

"Yes Mommy." Yeji replied even before Yuna opens her mouth.

I rolled my eyes, "Now this world would understand who was the actual drama queen. Be quiet and eat." I said with a smile before eating our lunch.

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