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Ryujin's P.O.V:

While I am busy admiring the silliness of the two playing on the swing, my mobile notification sound got my attention revealing Lia's name in the caller ID.

"Hi Lia." I said with a nervous tone.

"Hey Ryujin, When are you 3 coming? Is Yuna and Yeji having fun?" Lia asked with an exciting tone.

"Hm... yeah... actually... I want to inform you about something." I stopped to collect my words.

"Hey, you can tell me anything! You are like my sister. So don't hesitate. Go on." Lia said with the same excited voice.

"The thing is..." I stopped in the middle again. Because I don't know how to explain this situation to her.

"Is Yeji not ready to see my face? Because of what happened this morning? I wasn't mad at her, I was overwhelmed by everything. So I couldn't bring myself to talk to her. I know I hurted her. But please tell her I am sorry for what happened. It was a mistake." Lia said in a low voice.

"That's not the reason Lia. She is not mad at you for ignoring her this morning. It's a bit complicated." I said with a blank tone.

"Then what? I have no clues." Lia said with a sad voice almost like a cry.

"The thing is... Yeji remembered some memories of her accident. Where she went to meet you at your office, she noticed you talking with a colleague she hated the most. Also you lied to her while she asked about your work and whereabouts. That's why she wanted to distance herself from you." I said in one breath.

"I am not a cheater and I will never cheat her." Lia said in a very low voice.

"Hey don't worry. She didn't say you cheated her. In the past 8 months she never mentioned anything about this incident with me. Not even the day of her accident. So I think it might be a false memory. I can make her understand it later. But don't worry. I will take care of her and Yuna." I said with an assuring voice.

"That's not a false memory Ryujin. What she said was true. But I am not a cheater. I can explain the details later once she is ready to listen. If she needs more time away from me, Please take her to your home. Outside places won't be comfortable and safe for them. If I need to move out of the home, please let me know I can pack my things and stay away from her as much as she wants." Lia said with a worried voice.

"Lia, are you gonna be okay with it? I mean being away from your family again?" I asked her with a bit of concern.

"If that makes her feel less stressed and comfortable. Yes, I am. Also I need this punishment for what I have done. Once she is ready to listen, please let me know." Lia said in a calm voice.

"Sure Lia. I will let you know once she is ready." I assured her.

"Thank you so much for your help and support Ryujin. Sorry for bothering you much. Thank you for taking care of her." Lia said.

"It's nothing Lia. She is my friend and I have the responsibility to take care of her. Hope everything will be fine soon." I said while releasing a breath.

"And Ryujin one more request." Lia asked with a doubtful tone.

"Yes, tell me Lia. Need hourly updates on Yeji?" I asked with a chuckle.

"I would be more than happy if you update those details. But can you bring them to your house tonight? Please. I missed seeing her face. I promise I won't disturb her. I will see her face in the distance even without her notice and leave. Please." Lia asked me with a pleading tone.

I chuckled again, " I can't promise that. But I will try my best." 

"I know you can do it Ryujin. See you later." Lia said with a smile.

"Bye." Once I cut the call, I noticed my two buddies playing in the swing. After the call with Lia I felt less weight. I think it's not a big problem, they will sort it out in a couple of days. I smiled while moving closer to them. They looked at me with a same smile 

"I think buddies, it's time to go home. Come on, it's getting late." I said it like an order.

"What? But Ryujin aunty, didn't we plan to stay here tonight right?" Even before Yeji opened her mount Yuna asked.

"Yes baby, but we couldn't get a place to stay here today. So we don't have any other choice." I said while kneeling before her.

"But I don't want to go home today." Yeji said without thinking.

"What?" I asked her while signaling to Yuna's direction.

"Yes aunty, I don't want to go home today either." Yuna said.

Both me and Yeji looked in her direction with shock. "Didn't you say you missed your dad a while ago?" I asked while looking at her.

"Yeah I missed her aunty. But I don't want this buddies out to end soon." Yuna said with a pout.

"Then simply, let's kick your mommy Lia out and continue our buddies day." Even before I could complete I received a slap from Yeji.

"Wow. I am just joking. I am not going to kick her out. We can continue our buddies out in my house. If that's ok for you two." I asked them while praying to all God I could remember.

"It sounds good. I am in, aunty." Yuna jumped while raising her arms.

"Then how about you?" I asked while looking at Yeji.

"Please say Yes mom." Yuna pleased her.

With a little bit of thinking finally she smiled and said yes. So we prepared to get inside the car. Once we all settled inside the car, Yuna started to sleep after a few minutes. 

"So did you make any plan behind my back?" Yeji asked me with a doubtful look.

"No, I won't do anything that harms you." I said with a nervous tone.

"Yes I know. I am just playing with you. Why are you tense? Cool dude." She said with a smile. I reciprocate the smile.

"If you want to have a nap, please go ahead. I will wake you up once we reach." I said while still focusing on the road.

"Are you sure?" She asked again.

"Yes please." I replied with a smile.

" No I won't. Then you will complain to us saying we both fell asleep while you tiredly take us home." Yeji replied in an annoying tone.

I chuckled and replied, "then it's your wish."

Soon she fell asleep. Once we reached home, I think as she promised, Lia saw her from afar and went back. I tapped on Yeji's shoulder to wake her. Once she woke I took sleeping Yuna in my arms and took her to my bedroom. After closing the house door to ensure our safety I went back to my room. Yuna was peacefully sleeping in the bed while Yeji was sitting in the bed with a confused face. 

"Hey Yeji, are you alright?" I asked her with a worried voice.

"Yes Ryujin. I think I miss Lia already." She replied in a low voice.

"I already expect this to happen. But don't wake me in the middle of night to meet her. I am tired." I said with a chuckle.

She looked down. I went closer to her and gave her a sweet hug and said, "Good night dude. Don't think much. Just sleep. If you need anything I will be in the guest room. Give me a call , okay." I moved to the guest room and slept until I heard a crying sound from her room in a couple of hours.

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