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Lia's P.O.V:

I went to see my love, Yeji's face for one good minute. I don't know when she will come back to me. Or I don't have any idea about how to distance myself from her. Before it was okay. Because I use Yuna as an excuse to meet her frequently. Also we had a matching screenplay for that, so she won't mind if I tag along. But now she knows everything. So we can't make any fake stories. I am not worried. But it's more than feeling like hell. I requested Ryujin  to meet Yeji tonight. So I am waiting a bit away from Ryujin 's house to meet my Yeji and Yuna.

Once her car arrived, my heart started pounding. I am more excited to see her. Even though I can't speak with her, I am happy at least I can see her face. Once Ryujin  parked her car, I could see Yeji sleeping in the first seat. Ryujin  wakes her up and takes Yuna inside her house. Yeji was sleepy following her to the house. She looks cute while walking in half wake. I don't want to go home. So I just stayed there for a few more minutes even though they already went inside and even closed their doors.

'Oh gosh! I miss her already. I wish I could spend My day with them as before.' I thought to myself. My  heart aches each minute passing by. I can't take it anymore. So I decided to go back home. Once I reached my home I went to write this entry in my personal diary which I wrote only when I felt lonely. I searched everywhere but I couldn't find it anywhere. But I am sure I placed it in my bedroom's side desk. 'Did I place it somewhere else? And forgot the location?' I searched everywhere but I couldn't find it. I grabbed my hair in frustration. Suddenly my mobile rings, showing Ryujin 's message. I quickly opened the text,

Ryujin : Lia, I think this issue will be fixed soon even before we plan for something to solve this😊…

I was more happy to read this text but I was confused as well.

Lia: Really?

Ryujin : Yes, I could feel she realized it was a misunderstanding. Soon she will put her guard down. So all we have to do is just wait for some time.

Lia: I can wait for her till my last breath.

Ryujin : There's no need to wait for that long. She said she is missing you a minute ago. I am sure she can't wait till sunrise🤣 . I am expecting her to wake me in the middle and meet you.

Lia: Really? Wow It is excellent to hear. I can't wait to meet her. Thanks for helping us. Also thanks for taking care of my family.

Ryujin : It's okay. No mentions. Good night.

Lia: Good night Ryujin .

I reread my conversation with Ryujin  almost 10 times. I couldn't stop my happiness. I want to sleep and end this night as soon as possible. But my brain betrayed me. I tried my level best to sleep but I couldn't. My memoirs with Yeji and Yuna repeated inside my mind. I shifted my positions to get some sleep, but it's not helping me either. Soon my memories were repeated by my future expectations and dreams with Yeji. I prepared myself with our future conversations and all. I waited for the sun to rise. I feel the time was moving very slowly today. I prayed to each God to end this night real quick. To ease my frustrations I watched some of our old videos.

Once it's already 5 I couldn't just sit on our bed. So I went outside to grab some coffee.

When I went outside the bedroom, I noticed someone going inside Yuna's room. Suddenly my mobile vibrated, I noticed a text from Ryujin .

Ryujin : Your love of life is delivered today. Please take care of her. I am going to sleep, So kindly don't disturb me again.
I smiled at her text. I couldn't control myself barging into Yuna's room. Then I moved to the kitchen to make coffee for both of us. Since I know Yeji loves coffee chat, it will be the best comforting conversation. I want to make this day the best for the rest of our life. I know I already messed up one special day, So I want to make this day wonderful and resume our life form where we paused for these past months. Before that I typed my reply to Ryujin.

Lia: Thank you so much Ryujin . Thanks for always helping us. I want to thank you in person. I couldn't express my feelings right now. Thanks again. Thank you so much.

Ryujin : It's okay. There is no need for thankyou between us. Bye.

Lia: And can I tell Yeji that you asked us to not disturb you again?🤔

Ryujin : Wow, don't do that. I will come and meet you guys in the evening. But before that settle all your problems. Else this time I will take Yuna with me and leave you two alone forever.

Lia: Okay Madam. There is no need to threaten me. Will meet you in the evening. Bye.

After sending my text I put my mobile in pocket and made coffee for us. Once I poured the coffee in mugs, I heard a familiar voice "Lia". Yeji… I turned myself to her while handing her coffee. I expect her to grab the coffee and have a small chat. Since I have to confess my apologies. But unfortunately she run towards me and hugged me tightly. I was frozen in my place. Before I could speak. She told "I'm sorry."

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