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Ryujin's P.O.V:

Yuna asked me to call Lia because she wanted to speak with her. So I handed her my mobile. She is busy speaking with her dad. At the same time, I was lost in my thoughts about Yeji's accident memories. I believe it's a misunderstanding, but I just need to confirm it before Yeji gets hurt. I don't want my friend to feel any more pain. She already felt enough. Once Yuna is done with her call, I need to speak with Lia. After I came to conclusion I heard Yuna saying, "She will come with us dad, even if she has any other plans for that day. Right aunty?"

I was confused by her statement "What plan Yuna? I am not committing anything to you as I remember correctly." 

"But You can never deny my requests, I know you, aunty." Yuna replied back with a cute smile.

"Hand me the phone, I have to talk with Lia," I replied to her before I forgot about my actual plan.

"Okay, Mommy. I will call you later. I might be disturbing your work. Take care Mommy. Love you." Yuna hurried with her sentence and cut that call.

I was disappointed with her actions. More like I was frustrated. I grabbed my phone from Yuna leaving both Yuna and Yeji in shock. Yeji runs towards our table. She has a surprised or precisely worried look on her face. I am not in the mood to make any conversations with her. because If she knows I tried to call Lia and expected any clarification from her, She might think I am not believing her. And she might lose her trust in me. So I don't want to make this situation more complicated.

I quietly stood up and told her, "hey Yeji, I am planning to look for some other starters. Do you want anything?" I said with a fake smile.

She shook her head, maybe she understood it was a fake one.

I looked at Yuna and said, "Okay then I am leaving you two here to look for some special starters." I said with a blank tone and immediately left that table.

Once I moved closer to the counter I realized, Because I was stuck with Lia and Yeji's problem I failed to notice I hurt Yuna. 'She is a child how could I expect her not to be childish? She might be hurt badly. I might be an idiot to show my frustration to her.' I felt more and more stupid while recalling my rude act. So I decided to buy Yuna's favorite candies to make up with her. 'God She must accept my apologies without any hate. Please.' I prayed to god while moving back to the table where Yeji and Yuna sat.

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