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Ryujin's P.O.V:

Once we were done with our sand castle, Both me and Yuna felt exhausted from spending all our energy on the beach. Unlike us Yeji is still enthusiastic. So she forced us to spend some time in the park. Time moves very fast. It's starting to get sunset. We three sat at the park desk to admire the sunset. Yuna sat right to Yeji and I sat on the left side. Suddenly Yeji held our hands, and I looked in her direction. Yuna did the same.

"I don't want this day to end. I felt complete after a long time. I was overwhelmed by everything that happened today. Thank you so much guys. Love you." Yeji said with a bright smile.

"Me too Mom. It's a wonderful day. Love you too." Yuna replied while side hugging Yeji.

"Can we spend a few more minutes like this?" She asked while looking at me.

"But it's already getting late and as you already know it will take a couple of hours to travel back home." I said with a doubtful tone.

"Yes I know. But I don't want this day to end." Yeji said with a pout.

"I agree with Mom. I want to spend a few more hours like this." Yuna said with a sad voice.

"But..." Yeji cut me off before I could finish saying, "how about we spend this night at nearby hotel or something? Is it ok for you Yuna?" She asked while looking at Yuna. And Yuna started to jump in excitement.

"I am supporting this plan. Ryujin aunty, come let's go to the nearby hotel. And continue our buddies day out." Yuna said excitedly. I looked at Yeji. She showed me a pleasing look.

"If that's what you two love, then let's do it." I said while looking at them.

"If the plan is settled, can I play on that swing? Please." Yuna asked us with her puppy eyes.

"Sure dear." Yeji said with a smile.

"But remember it's getting late, lady. We have to find a good hotel or shelter before it's getting too dark. So come back quick." I said with a playful tone.

"Okay grandma. I will be back in 30 mins." Yuna replied to me.

"If it takes more than 30 mins, I am gonna leave you here. Okay." I said with another playful tone. Yuna looked down.

"Don't kill her fun idiot." Yeji said while hitting my arms.

"Aw... I am just joking. Take your time dear. We will wait for you." I said to Yuna. 

"Thank you so much buddy. Love you" she said excitedly while running towards the swing.

I looked at her leaving and playing with a swing nearby.

"I need one small help from you Ryujin." Yeji asked while looking at me.

"Anything for you." I replied to her with a smile.

"Nothing much. Can you inform Lia that we are staying here tonight?" She asked in a low voice.

"Sure. But do you really want to spend this night here?" I asked her in concern.

"I don't want to go home with this mindset. I am scared. What if I might hurt Lia more unintentionally? I don't want to hurt her." She said while looking away.

I patted her shoulders and said, "If you're not feeling good to go home, you can stay at mine. You know you are always welcome to mine. " I asked her with a smile.

"I know but I don't want to bother you more. Also I don't want to make Yuna worry about us. And also I don't want to hurt Lia like making it, I am obviously avoiding her." Yeji replied.

I simply looked at Yeji without saying anything. "Why are you looking at me like this? I already told you right. I am not hating her. I am just confused with her. I need some time to clear my mind." Yeji said with a beautiful smile.

"You look beautiful with this smile. I want you to be happy like this forever." I said while looking at her.

"I know and I will. As long as you guys are with me." Yeji said while giving me a small hug.

"We will always be with you idiot." I said while patting her back.

"Now don't stress yourself with my problems. Okay. I want you to be chill and relax like your original form. Don't pressure your mind. It's not a big problem. Just relax and enjoy this day out." She said while releasing our hug.

'Am I that much obvious?' I asked myself.

"Yes you are. I can predict you by simply looking at your face." Yeji said while looking at Yuna playing with a swing.

"What?" I asked her with a shocked tone.

"Nothing. I am going to play with Yuna sometimes." Yeji said while getting ready to go.

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