chapter 1: who's taller?

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*third person pov*

The ocean. Everything about it just....the ocean. It's been Maeral's home for over 100 years. The one place where she truly felt like she belonged. You could honestly say the ocean was her first love.

The first time she went to the beach with her family, she felt the waters and instantly felt at peace.

And ever since her family left that beach she never went to anywhere near the ocean again. Except for diplomatic missions in which she never could go in the beach and play with except to just watch the waves flow on the beach. Taunting her to come near it.

Too bad no one has been amazing enough for her to fall in love with them like how she does with the ocean.

There was a particular someone but...they really aren't anything but friends truly.

Just as she wants to take a deep breath and bask in the view someone suddenly screams into her ear-

''MAE YOU HAVE GOT TO HELP ME." Daratrine suddenly runs up to her and grabs her shoulders as she says that.

"Oh Dar what have you gotten into now??" Maeral says with her hands on her hips like a worried mother.

"Okay okay Mae you don't have to be so worried its nothing big I just need you to help me settle an argument with Emira here." She gestures to Emira beside her, while Emira nods furiously determined to know who'll be proven right.

Maeral looks at them with a raised eyebrow "oh? Okay well what were you guys fighting about?" she states, amused.

"okay so," Daratrine starts "Emira here thinks that she's taller than me and wont believe me when I say I'm the one who's taller than her even though I'm obviously-" Emira then cuts Dar off.

"oh come on look its so obvious how I'm more taller than you. Even Radelia says so and literally everyone else on this damn ship." Emira says while gesturing her hands on top of their heads.

"your boots have little heels mira. You're even slightly on your tip toes now." Daratrine says with her arms crossed.

"no I'm not!"

"yes you are. Whatever, yeah sure everyone on this ships says that although-  we still haven't asked the captain of the ship who is the person with most authority on this ship" Daratrine says while smirking and gesturing her hands to Maeral like a madman or well...a mad-elf.

Emira rolls her eyes at daratrine.

"so Mae who is it gonna be huh?" Daratrine asks.

Maeral having already heard this argument many times looks at the both of them pretending to think about it before she says, "Emira is taller than you Dar" 

 Emira hurrah's and celebrates while Daratrine stands there mouth ajar and shaking her head.

"What??? oh come on!" She shouts in defeat.

Daratrine has been quite in denial about how she's the shortest one even though everyone has been saying she's the shortest for years already.

"sorry Dar but its the truth" Maeral shrugs while hiding a grin, and failing miserably

"ugh life is so cruel" Daratrine says while going down the stairs with Emira and Emira saying I told you so many times to Daratrine

Maeral shakes her head and chuckles to herself about how ridiculous her friends can be sometimes. Just when she wanted to look at the open sea, a bird comes from afar. Swooping down directly into maeral's face.

In between it's claws there was a letter, the bird drops it onto the floor just as maeral's ducks down to avoid from getting clawed.

It soars unto the sky once it releases the letter and is finished with its task.

She stares at the bird for a while, before turning to the letter and picking it up thinking, "why in the world would a bird drop a piece of paper on my ship in the middle of the ocean?"

She frowns as she opens the letter and saw that the letter bore the mark of the house of elrond. She skims over the paper, confused as to why elrond would want to send her a letter if not for a "hey how are you?" type of greeting.

She read the words over and over again for a good five minutes. Just her leaning on the rail with a crease on her head. Mumbling to herself and holding a piece of paper in her hands.

But the words on the letter did not change. Nor did it give out a secret under meaning. At the end of it it will always read I hope you will be able to attend this dinner. no mater how many times Maeral analyzed it.

She knew that it was bullshit that elrond wants to only invite her over for "dinner". It had to be for something else, she knew that. She just couldn't for the life of her figure it out.

she considered to burn it. Or really just throw it into the water. Just ignore it overall and go on with her life, continuing to go on with her next quest.

But people always said that curiousity tends to get the better of her. 

And they were right.

She turns to face her crew. Who some of them was milling around the desk, some drinking and eating while some just sat and talked around.

"my friends! set course for Rivendell. It seems that I apparently have a dinner to get to."

A/n: aight first chapter edited I hope this one was better and easier to read than the first one lolz

also don't forget to vote this chapter if you think its good!!

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