chapter 30: you could've been my older sister

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*First person pov*

"orcs" I whisper to Boromir.

He widens his eyes, then looks around in a hurry. He stands up, unsheathing his sword. He extends a hand to me.

"we must help the others." Boromir says as I grasp his hands, pulling me up.

I unsheathe my sword too. "What are we waiting for then?" I smirk at him. Then we ran to where the others were.

I run, my feet kissing the land. The leaves crunching beneath my feet, my long sword in one hand.

My eyes widen as Merry and pippin stood on the bridge, surrounded by orcs around them. "They're trapped!" I shout and Boromir quickens his pace, his eyes focused on the axe that  is aiming for their heads. He grabs hold of the axe, kicking the orc on the legs.

I smirk, "now that's an entrance!" I shout to Boromir as I dodge an orc flinging his sword at me, ducking down then slashing him on the legs.

Merry and Pippin take out their swords, joining in on the fight and killing orc's too.

We take down orc after orc, Boromir and me flinging our daggers towards the orc's path every once in a while. The four of us watching each other's backs.

Countless more orcs come tumbling down every time we successfully take down an orc. Their numbers increasing every time and seeming like we are doing nothing but just killing aimlessly with the amount of orcs coming to us from every direction.

"There's too many!" I shout out.

"it feel's like we're just killing the same people over and over again." I say and Boromir breathed heavily, having just stabbed an orc.

"You're right. We would never win in this condition. We must retreat before more of them come." He says then takes out his horn, blowing on it.

I nod at him, hurtling my sword at an orc coming toward's Boromir's way. Cutting off it's head completely. The head rolls down to Pippin and Merry's feet, the both of them standing besides each other closely. Looking terrified for their lives and even more horrified as the head falls to their feet right in front of them.

I grit my teeth, hissing between my teeth right as iIsee their eyes fall to the head.

"uh...sorry bout that." I say over my shoulder, my eyes looking sincerely apologetic.

They nod, eyes still on the head.

Boromir finishes blowing on his horn, his eyes looking around everywhere. "Run!" he says.

Pippin and merry start running. I jog after them with my head still looking over my shoulder in case there's any orcs chasing after us.

An orc appears besides merry and Pippin, his back hunched as his sword aim's for the hobbits head. I rush after them, my feet going as fast as I can and letting my momentum carry me further as I leap and punch the orc right in the face.

The orc tumbles down to the ground, confused as to what hit him on the face so hard that wasn't something sharp. He gasps as my sword finds it's way stabbing the orc's chest. 

Another orc appears from Boromir's side. Interrupting Boromir from blowing on his horn. He parries the orc's attack. The orc's sword now on the ground giving boromir an opportunity to stab him right in his heart, if they even have one.

An orc creeps up behind me, Pippin and Merry sees the orc and tackles it to the ground. The both of them stabbing it to death.

"oh thanks g-" I start to thank them when suddenly an orc appears beside me, also to Boromir too.

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