chapter 44: offsprings

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*first person pov* (words in italic are elvish)

I cried for hours, I would stop after a few minutes. But then I'd think again and the tears would come rushing, wailing over and over until it eventually stops and repeats again. Fortunately, no one heard me last night, or so I hope at least. No one came to bother me so I hope I  didn't bother them.

It was morning now, the sun rising and basking us in it's bright light. The guards for the morning shift came up to the wall, shocked to see the previous guards has deserted their posts and there was only me perched up on top of the wall while my feet dangles in the air. If I hadn't heard them coming from a mile away I would have fallen out of shock, thank god I was an elf right?

I turn to them, feinting a slight surprise and slinging my feet to the ground. "you mind if I accompany you while you do your job? I'm going to go grab some bread for breakfast and I'll come back to you in a sec, do you need anything?"

They turn to each other with wide eyes, then they turn to me and start to nod. But then they frowned and shaked their head profusely.

"use your tongue soldiers." I commanded and one of them stutters with his words.

"w-we-we meant th-t-that yes, you can accompany us. A-and no, we don't need any bread. We already ate." he smiles awkwardly, his lean shoulders rising out of nervousness.

"alrighty then, but you humans really have got to stop being afraid of me, I'm a pirate elf. Not a warg. I won't eat or put a curse on you. Savvy?" I remarked, they gulped and nod furiously.

I patted their cheeks as I walk past them. "you'll get used to me mate."

I took 2 stale bread from the bags that the people of Rohan brought and refilled my bottle of rum with regular water. After finding out it was finished from my last night breakdown, I felt like I needed something regular and tasteless compared to the rum. Not lembas bread though, that's way too bland for my taste, even if it made me full with a small bite.

Theoden was probably already in the war room, expecting for me to come into the room in any second now. But I figured that maybe today I should start my day with talking to people and be in the sun instead of stuck in the gloomy war room.

It actually felt nice being in the sun, being in the bright side of the world. Feeling the warmness touching my brown skin, my black hair shimmering in the sun and lighting up my dark eyes, making my freckles pop out more. I always felt more prettier and more myself in the sun. It would be almost perfect if I was on my ship surrounded by water, but the sun being here was already enough comfort for me.

I talked with some of the people, even playing with the children and entertaining them with my tales for an hour or so. I also talked with Darvyn and hung out with his family for a while too. It made me have hope somehow. Seeing the optimism and how even barricaded by a fortress and away from home since there's a war coming on, the people still manage to live and have joy with their loved ones.

I walk up the stairs with a slight spring in my steps, 3 apples in my hands.

I toss the apples to the other 2 guards, they almost didn't catch the apple since they were taken off guard.

One of them had black hair braided into short twists, he had a bulky figure. Another one of them had black hair too but unbraided and almost the same length as my hair, except a bit more longer. He had golden eyes, it was enthralling. The both of them were taller than me though, their backs held straight. Possibly trained soldiers from childhood.

"so, what are your names?" I spoke up, they whip their heads to me, shocked that I would try to make conversation with them.

"um, my name is Jiro. My lov- I mean, fellow soldier here is Aldane." Jiro, the one with the golden eyes turns to Aldane with a slight blush. I raise my eyebrows at him, darting my eyes between the two of them.

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