chapter 65: the captain's back

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*first person pov*

At first I thought it was just the grumble of someone's stomach here, but then the ground started to shake. Debris falls in front of our faces, and skulls start to roll at our feet. A cracking sound can be heard, we looked up. It was the mountain cracking, with thousands of skulls pouring out.

Aragorn shakes his head exasperatedly. "out!" He shouts.

We leap over the skulls, climbing over them, but it was far too much for us to smoothly run from. Aragorn gets caught in the crossfire, sliding over with the skulls raining down. I held on to his hand and pulled him up. He nodded in thanks and continued forward.

I could see Gimli struggling, so I pulled him over in front me. Aragorn held on to Gimli, we were so close to the other side-

Wait. Where was legolas?

"Legolas!" I shouted. No response.

"Legolas!" Aragorn shouted. I stopped in my tracks, but the skulls were too strong for me sit still with.

A hand shot up underneath the buried skulls. It felt like a part of my heart has been reforged. I quickly pull him out, not letting go for even a second as we ran to the exit.

"Run!" Aragorn screamed as he escaped the sea of skulls and ran out.

I was almost out of the clear from the skulls, but one of the skulls knocked my damn hat off. "oh fuck-" I shouted, looking back on my hat that will be gone in a few seconds.

"Leave it!" Legolas shouted.

I grumble. Curse you pirate fashion sense. I let go of Legolas's grasp and ran back to snatch my hat from the skulls.

A glare was present on Legolas face when I came back. "What?"  I put my hat on. "never make a pirate leave their hat!"

Legolas rolls his eyes, lacing his hand with mine and running the hell out of this mountain.

The familiar stare of the sun hits my eyes. Although blinding, it was a better sight than sitting under the mountain. I could never fathom how dwarfs can live in mountain without ever going out.

I wave the dust away from my face while Aragorn stands transfixed on the waters. I walk forward, seeing black spots on the blue river. 

I bite the insides of my cheeks, those were no random spots. They were the corsairs of umbar.

And besides them lay a burning town. Seeing the grim sight, Aragorn falls to his knees besides me. I could see tears in his eyes. 

Legolas puts a hand on his shoulder. My mind races to all the alternatives that we can do. "We could bribe em." I turn to Aragorn. His head drops, his shoulders sagging.

I take in a deep breath, looking up to Legolas and Gimli.

"and where would you get the money?" Gimli questions.

"I know people in Minas Tirith who owes me. I'll get the money soon enough if I threaten them." And I have a few places where I keep my gold, of course it just wasn't above ground, nor the people.

Aragorn shook his head. Still not saying anything.

"Me and the captain of the fleet can set our differences aside. He'll do anything for money, and I have twice the money Sauron's given him-" A whooshing sound pulls me away from my rambling. The wind from before can be felt on my face.

Aragorn stands, looking behind us. A green figure walks through the rocks, it was the king of the dead.

"We fight."

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