chapter 21: for i shall return with haste

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*first person pov*

the both of us were lightly panting from chasing each other and throwing pillows back to back.

"alright alright stop mae my hair is now a whole mess" Viserra says while untangling her braid

I smirk at her, laying down on the bed

"I deadass just threw pillows at you, thats not that bad vi'' I say before looking up at the ceiling

I rest my head below my right arm, wanting to raise my left arm but remembering that vi said I shouldn't move it that much

"You should see my hair when im fighting. It's a good thing I cut my hair cause if not it was such a hassle to keep in place" I shake my head

"Oh Maeral, ever the princess you are." Viserra retorts, shaking her head "you do know there's a thing called braids right? Also that is exactly the reason why I don't want to be a soldier" She stood up, twirling infront of me

"I'm far too pretty to be fighting out there in the dirt" she flips her hair before saying "now enough chit chat, you look like shit mae, you need a shower and a clean set of clothes"

I stood up,  now sitting on the bed "yeah that one I desperately need" 

Viserra nodded and went out, away to fetch clothing for me to wear

I scrunch my nose and shout out after her "don't pick a horrible outfit!"

Viserra smirks at me then went out, shutting the door

"I swear if she picks out an ugly outfit.." I mumble, walking over to the washing room

I dry my hair out, buttoning up my jacket and wearing my trousers from the journey, Viserra still not coming back.

"where the hell is she?" I thought to myself.

I look over to my blouse contemplating to just wear it since it seems like viserra has abandoned me. I sigh, "should've just brought my bag with me instead of letting boromir take it" I mumble to myself

I flinch as the door bursts open, Viserra in front with a few other elleths behind her, with a collection of dresses and...pins?? in their hands. 

I shake my head and groan. "vi i needed a new outfit not a whole..." I gesture my hands to the unknown elleths behind her "....crew." 

Viserra glares at me "don't be rude maeral. These people will help you clean after yourself and look presentable"

I glare back at Viserra and take in a deep breath, pointing my index finger upwards, a gesture of me saying one. "Okay one, I already cleaned myself so no need to help with that thank you very much." I put two fingers up "Two, I did not say it in a rude way. All im saying is why do i need 5 unknown elleths helping me look presentable?" I put another finger up "three, my hair doesnt need to be braided or anything it looks just fine how it is." 

I cross my arms "Lastly, that's the second time someone told me I needed help looking presentable. What I wear is perfectly fine??? Y'all are really out here just straight up sayin im ugly" I frown back at Viserra

Viserra rolls her eyes and responds "If I let you pick out your own outfit im certain you will just pick plain old trousers, boots, a blouse and a leather jacket with pretty buttons"

"I'm a pirate vi, I operate on a ship and fight people every two days, I have to wear what's practical" I say and she just rolls her eyes and gestures to the rest of the elleths to come into the room.

She takes the dresses from the elleths and puts them on the bed carefully, smoothing them out and laying them in a way that I can see clearly of the details on each dress.

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