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I woke up at 5:00AM to my phone ringing I got up and started to get ready for my morning run I put on shorts and a shirt,shoes put my hair up in a ponytail and put on my Watch and started my run I have to do 5 miles a day

Here is my back story hi am am scarlet Riley Rick Riley's little sister and Alex Riley's little sister I am a figure skater at Eden Hall I am a Freshmen high school I'm 14 I have a best friend Ava she is a cheerleader for jv she is a freshman to Ava has been my best friend since the 1st grade then my dad is a headmaster at ehen hall and my mom well my mom passed away when I was 5 she was a figure skater when she was in high school so I am following her steps my hobbies are reeding,skating, annoying my brothers  Well the last one is not really a hobbie but I calm its one and that is it for me

I got done with my run and got back to my house when to my bathroom got a shower then I put on jeans and a shirt that says Eden hall on the back then did my hair it was down I looked at the time 6:15 I when downstairs and saw my dad making his coffee hey dad! ,hey scarlet he sat down and started to read the newspaper I got some strawberries,blueberries out to eat I washed them and started to cut the strawberries them Rick and Alex walked in the room morning they both said I was finally done cutting my Strawberries and Alex stole one stop Alex get your own food I said never he said I sat down at the kitchen table

I started to eat my food then my dad said ok scarlet here is your schedule.thanks I looked at it and I have math for homeroom then I have gym after lunch great, ok kids I am going to the school I will see y'all there my dad said bye me and my brothers said ok little kids let get going I am meeting up with team Rick said I got up walked upstairs to my room put on my shoes and got my backpack,phone and walked back downstairs

We got in ricks car and I was in the backseat ok scarlet what ever you do!! DO NOT TALK TO THE DUCKS!!ok Rick said to me ok ok I will not I said back ya if I see one I am going to push the duck down the stairs Alex said no Alex that's mean! I yelled at him ok and they took the Jv hockey team over and now I have to play FOOTBALL! He yelled at me back [alex is in the 10th grade and he is 15] what is wrong with football? Rick asked Alex.

nothing but all the guys say "WhErE iS yOuR sIsTeR sHeS hOt" Alex said ew! I did not need to know that!! I said the guys laughed,later we got to the school and ricks team were standing out by the front doors we walked over there what up Rick all of his team said then someone put there arm around me I looked to see Jake Alex's best friend hey scarlet Jake said hi? I said back Jake has been trying to get me to go out with him all summer I don't like AT ALL!! He is not my type but I have never had a boyfriend BUT he is not my type at all. So scarlet are you going to let me take you out or no he asked never go ask one of the Jv cheerleaders I'm sure one of them will love to go out with you I said pushing him away he walked away then alex said scarlet why will you not go out with him he has been asking you out all summer. Alex i don't like him for the 1000th time I said

Sureee cole said ok you know what I am going to fine Ava bye I said walking away.. I hate my brothers friends they are so annoying and all they care about is hockey,money,there girlfriends,playing hockey like omg annoying but scooter is the cool one and nice later I found Ava and we had to go to the little meeting I sat with her and her team bean started talking about the ducks coming to the school then the curtain fell down then some guy said

Uh hi we're the ducks I saw a blonde hair blue eyes boy

Paper rings//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now