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Scarlett's pov
The guys were being super loud I could hear them over my music so I closed my window and went downstairs I walked into the kitchen "rose ate you sure you don't need help?" I asked her "well if you want to help some badly you can cut up the fruit" she said "ok" I said and I started to cut up the fruit " so who put you on that diet?" Rose asked me "my coach" I said "what went I was in school to lose weight we just worked out not like you need to lose weight" she said "I know right" I said then the guys walked inside and walked into the living room "ok Scarlett know we just have to cook"she said "ok how long?" I asked "about 40-50 minutes" she said "ok I am going to go on a run" I said "ok you better be back when dinner is done" she said "ok I will" I said I walked upstairs put on my shoes and started to on my run

Later I got home and we all ate dinner then I went to bed

The next day
I woke up and went on my run then came back and got a shower then put on my clothes then walked downstairs "morning dad" I said "morning Scarlett" he said Alex came downstairs dressed in his football shirt and jeans "Alex are you ready for your game tonight" my dad said "yes coach said I am playing running back and Jake is playing quarterback" Alex said "that's cool" Rick said walking into the room we were in I just rolled my eyes look I don't have anything against football but I don't really like it it's way to rough to play in my opinion but I go to Alex's game because he goes to my finger skating competitions same with Rick

Later we got to school and Ava came running to me almost knocking me to ground "hey" she said "ok what to you want me to do" I asked "my hair please" she said "ok high ponytail?" I asked "yes" she said I put her hair into a ponytail and she ran back to her team and I saw Adam walking into the building I ran to catch out with him "hey Adam" I said "hey Scarlett" he said I looked at this jacket it's his next letterman jacket "nice jacket" I said "thank you nice bracelet" he said I looked at my wrist it's my bracelet that my mom got me "thanks my mom got it for me" I said "cool hey so I was thinking maybe we can got get some ice cream after the football game tonight?" He asked me "sure" I said "ok let's get to homeroom before our teacher gives us detention" he said "ya" then we got to homeroom together

                                 Time skip to after school
After school I was super excited about going to get ice cream with Adam so I needed to make sure I dressed nice so I put on jeans and one of my nice shirts and some shoes my hair was down and then I got my phone and looked at the time 4:30 the game is at 6:30 so I have some blow I walked downstairs and saw that Rick had some of his friends over 

Sorry for not posting I an super super busy right now I am so sorry

Paper rings//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now