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Time skip to the next week

On Monday I woke up and got ready and went to school "i can't believe varsity did that to the jv team omg" someone said  what happen I thought i walked to scooter "hey scooter what happen with the jv team" i asked "i don't know what your talking about" he said then he walked away huh weird then i had to go to my class when the bell rang i was looking for Adam he was at in homeroom 

                                                    time skip

it was lunch and Adam we not there or the ducks i pulled out my phone and texted Adam he did not answer i called him still did not answer then i got a text that i dont have anything after school i went to my next class and then at the end of the day i went to the ice rink and i saw Adam there "Adam?" i said he trued around and his eyes were puffy and noise was red he's been crying 'scarlet what are you doing here' he said " adam are you ok" i asked "im fine" he  said "adam why were you not at school" i asked "i dont want to talk about it" he said "ok adam- why are you here" "adam i am worry about you" "why ok why because ever since i came to this school noting has been good" "adam you missed a day of school that is not you you like school" "i lost someone that was one of my good friends then my friend hans just passed away ok can i please just be left alone" he said i was going to walk away but i walked over and gave him a hug he hugged me back "i am sorry" "adam dont be ok i am here for you if you need anything" " i am somthing to tell you i am leaving varsity" "adam why i thought  you liked varsity" "that we before i found out what rick did to the ducks" "what did he do" "alot of things" "also i have to tell you something i like you".... 

Paper rings//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now