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Ella was just smiled to me I looked away and started to talk to Adam "so you have never been to a figure skating competition?" I said " nope" he said "omg it's super cool I mean Rick and Alex like it but I think that they go to check out the girls and to see me skate" I said " I will have to come to one" he said " there is one on Saturday I'm sure Rick will invite you" I said "ya" he said then he smiled I looked at the time 9:24 "hey Adam I have to get home I will see you at school and I had a lot of fun tonight" I said " ok bye" he said "bye" I said I walked home and I walk in the house right when the time hit 9:40 "right on the dot" my dad said "yup" I said "hey go get rick and Alex I have something to tell y'all" my dad said "ok" I walked into Alex's room and said "downstairs dad needs to tell us something" I said then I went into ricks room scooter and Cole were there "out" he said right when I walked in "don't out me dad needs to tell us something"
Then we walked downstairs and sat on the couch

"Ok so kids aunt Lilly and her kids are coming down tomorrow to stay until Wednesday" my dad said "let's go!" Alex said (I know that is cringe) and so did rick ok so I love my aunt Lilly she is on my dads side but SHE HAS 3 BOYS!!!!! But then there is 1 girl Anna she is 4 she is so cute she then there is jack,Leo, John Jack is 17 Leo is 16 John is 15 all hockey players

Sorry for the short chapter and the for not posting.

Paper rings//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now