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Dean looked so mad I had never seen him that mad before after the little meeting I had to go to my first class, math I walked in and sat in the middle of the room, then the bell rang "hi class I am Mrs. Smith I am your homeroom teacher this is math and now I am going to call role scarlet Riley,here ok Adam banks, Adam banks is he here??" Then the same guy from this morning came running in "hi" he said "your late." Mrs. Smith said "sorry I got lost." he said back "I will let it slide today because it's the first day have a seat and what is you name?" "Adam banks." he said "ok I was just calling for you" she said then Adam went and sat In the front of the class room

The bell rang it feels like hours of Mrs.smith talking about MATH! And we have like 5 pages of homework I walked to my locker to put my math book away then I heard someone say "come on!" I closed my locker to see the guy from this morning trying to get into his locker "Do you need help?" I asked "Yes please." he said back. Then he put in the code and the lock was jammed. So I pulled down on it and it opened. "You are going to need to get a new lock." I said "ok thanks I am Adam by the way." he said "I'm scarlet." I replied with a smile. "nice name" he said. "thanks." I said back "hey it's nice meeting you but I have to get to class I will see you around." I said "Alright bye." he said back. I stared at my feet in though thinking about him as I walked to my next class .

                                     Time skip
It is finally lunch time now. I walked into lunch and I sit with Rick and his team because if I sit with all of the skaters there will be a little/big argument. I have a enemy Ella ever since my mom passed she has always picked on me about it which means I would always go home crying because she would say "at least I have a mom","scarlet where's your mom oh right she's dead" ,"scarlet you look like your mother who is dead","scarlet your mom got killed because of your face" I would cry for DAYS!! My brothers told me to forget her and not to let her get to me. Everyday they comforted me. later I told my dad but he couldn't do anything because he was a high school board member. Anyway she hates me and I hate her not a good thing. I walked into the lunch room to Rick and Cole taking a guys food he looks 13 or 14 he was super short no wonder Rick and the guys want to go for him he's like 5'1 the guys or 6"1 or 6 ft and my god by the time I got there they pushed him away. "Rick what is your obsession with picking on kids?" I asked. Sitting down, he started to say "It was funny get over it." "No Rick It's rude and mean. How would you feel if someone did that crap to you!?" I said "yeah yeah whatever." he said annoyed.
"Scarlet are you going to eat something?" Scooter asked. "No I am fine. I have gym after this so I don't feel like throwing up" I said "HA! You have gym after this? HA! I had gym after homeroom."Tyler said "oh shut up Tyler" I said "aww so sensitive." Tyler said "if you don't shut up-" "if you two don't stop I swear." Cole said "she started it" Tyler said "Whatever" I said

Later the bell rang so I said bye to Rick and his team and I had to go to gym I walked into the the locker room and saw Ella "well, well, well, look who it is girls. It's the motherless girl. Oops am I gonna make the poor baby cry? Aww so sad." Ella said "aww it's the girl that can't land a triple axel. Oops am I gonna make the poor baby cry?"
I said "Hey! I am working on that and your going to come in second place all season." Ella said "oh let's let the skating do the talking." I said back "whatever, let's go girls." Ella said as they walked out of the locker room. I put my phone in my bookbag and changed into the gym clothes. Then I walked out to see coach Wilson [ricks coach]. "Oh god this is going to be a good year then" I thought. I saw Adam he waved at me I waved back he had a friend beside him he was tall,dark brown hair he looked like a hockey player I don't know

Hi I am coach Wilson you gym coach some of you know me as the varsity hockey team coach but I am your gym coach ok run 10 laps NOW! He said we all started running after that coach made us play dodgeball there were two teams Adam and his friends were on a team I was on Ella's and her friends were on the other team we played dodgeball then the bell rang I have 2 more class then I can go home then skating practice then I can go to bed  I had science then chemistry

My next class was science I sat down and listen to my teacher go on and on about how trees are super important to the world like we did not know that we or I learned that is like 5 years ago then my last class was chemistry I sat in the front of the room "is this seat open?" someone asked i looked and saw adam yes i said back later class started and then she said "who you sit by you will sit by all year" "well it looks like we are going to sit by each other all year" adam said "ya"  i said back then the bell rang i can not tell you how fast i got all of my thing and ran out of that class i walked to ricks,rick,cole,scooter,alex was there "ok lets go home i hate this place" i said getting in the car ok bye guys i will see you later rick said to cole and scooter later we got home and i started on my homework i had so much of it

later i finish all of it and put on my leggings and a tank top it is a open back and my shoes i got my skate bag and my phone i walked down to the livingroom ok so one thing i hate about my house its so big omg there are like 10 guest rooms 5 bathrooms like we have a maid, a pool, a gameing room ,a gym and there is a big gate to get into the driveway like my god its super big i know some people would love to have this house ok but alot of people use me to get with my brothers so thats is why i don't have alot of friends later rick,me,alex got to the school rick has hockey practice  alex  football practice and i have skating practice i have skating practice  after jv hockey practice  alexs has the longest football practices ever well i can't say anything i have like 2 hours of skating practice so i just sat in the stands as jv and varsity practiced then it was my time to practice befour i got on the ice Rick  said after my  practice to go to the gym because him and his team was going to be there then i got on the ice...

Paper rings//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now