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They got on the ice and they won then it was time for me to practice "hey we are going to go to the gym" Rick said "ok Ella can stay with me" I said "ok" they said then I got on the ice and started to warm up then my coach got there and yelled at me like 50 times "again!" She yelled so I did it again "your not showing face expressions show them" she yelled right as I did not triple axel did I lend it no so she yelled at me even more "get over here and get some water" she said I gladly took my water and I was happy "Scarlett are you following that diet I told you to do?" She asked "yes I am coach" I said "it doesn't look like it did you eat something you were not supposed to" she asked "well I did go out for ice cream and I did not eat that much" I said "see your not committed to your skating how are you going to when first!" She said "coach I am commenting I work so ha-" "no you don't your eating things you don't need to eat Scarlett!" She yelled I looked over to my Ella and she looked at me like what in the world is going on "now get back out there now!" she yelled i got back out on the ice and skated later practice was over and i got off the ice and went to put on my skate guards "what is diet" ella asked me "ella your to youg to know what that is" i said then the guys came back they wanted to stay and skate and play around so we did ella got some skates and got on the ice so did the guys "come on scar scar come get on the ice whit me" ella said "ok ok i am coming" i said "look scar scar look at my jump!"she said and she did her jump and she leaded it she was so happy " "good job ella" she smiled "scar scar do you jump!!" she said "ok" then i did my triple axel, sadly i did not lend it and i fell on my but "oww that looks like it hurt" someone said "it was adam " its ok i good" i said he skated over and helped me up "thanks" i said "your welcome" he said "scar scar do it again!!!!!!" ella yelled "ok ok" i said and i did it again and i lended it "ya thats my cusion!" jake yelled later we went home and i went to bed and got up the nexted day and started to work out 

hey guys yall are going to hate me for this but i am writing a new book again and i know what yall are thinking  why,no,come on,again,how,for real but i am being for real and i love the mighty ducks but i am writing so many books about them i know some of them for not good but like i want to put a hold on this book for know and my new book is going to be about the movie  "remember the titans" i am in love with that movie rn so i am going to a book about it 

love                                                                                                                                                                                               -your book writer 

ps- pls do not hate me 

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