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Later I walked into my room and went to bed then the next day I got up and put on jeans and a crop top and I did my hair,brushed my teeth then walked downstairs then we went to school and I saw Ava "omg Scarlett you look so beautiful today like always" she said "why thank you your beautiful today to like always" I said she looked at me like what is going on in her face "ok fine my cousins and aunt are coming down to stay with us and I know the guys are going to be super annoying all weekend" I said "wait is it Leo,jack,John,Anna?" She asked "yes" I said "hey at least anna is going to stay with you" she said " ya" I said "hey what is your program like" she said "I have to be super super graceful" I said " like a swan" she said looking at me with a "are you kidding me look "ok stop my coach-" " ok stop with my coach because all you do is what your coach says like if she tells you you can't eat whatever you or you can't go out with boys because she thinks it's bad like god she is super controlling" she said as we were walking down the hallway "well she is a coach that is-" I stop and and walking as was half way to my locker because I saw Ella talking to Adam and she was messing with her hair "omg she is making a move on the new guy omg Scarlett I told you to make a move now you going to have to fight for him omg this is going to be so good" she said " shut up and go to your class" I said I walked to my locker then when I got to my locker and opened it to get my books I heard "hey banksie can I wear your jacket?" "Um" then next's thing I know she has it on I closed my locker and walked to my class

Later it was lunch and I sat down were i always sit at by scooter and then Adam sat beside me "banks we're you jacket?" Rick said "oh um Ella has it" he said "omg my god banks is making a move on a girl" Rick said I look at rick then said "I am going to get a head start to gym class I will see y'all at the game" then I walked to my gym class later I was in the locker room and then Ella walked in and I overheard her talking about Adams jacket "ya I know I love this jacket, he is super cute and I am going to ask him out to the movies after the competition tomorrow but I am also going to ask him to come to the competition because I am going to win first" I heard her say then my phone went off I looked and saw it my coach she sent a picture of my costume it was white with some white gloves that match it,it was sleeveless and it was super pretty

                                       *time skip*
Later it was time to go home and when we got home I was insistently attacked by Ava "scar scar" she yelled running up to me and hugging me I picked her up and Spend her around "hey Ava I missed you!!!" I said "em to" she said then Leo,jack,John walked over and was talking with my brothers then Jack turned to me and said "I don't like that crop top little cuz" Ava hit him "I like it so your opinion doesn't matter" she said "why thank you" I said "Scarlett?!" Someone said I look to see aunt Lilly "aunt Lilly" I said then she hugged me "oh my goodness you look just like your mom my lord last time I saw you you were so small" she said then Ava pulled on my hand and said "can we go to your room and play" she asked "sure but not for long I have practice later" we went upstairs and then played "Ava come here let's take a picture" we toke a picture together and then she went to the bathroom and I saw a picture of Ella with Adams jacket on then I told myself "stop Scarlett stop letting her get into your head stop!" Then it was time to go to the game I put on leggings and Ella was holding my hand and we mart up with Adam,scooter,Cole

As soon as we walk in Ella comes running up to Adam sand said " bankeie here is your jacket back hey do you want to meet up after the game?" She asked "umm I can't I have plans sorry" he said back omg you should have seen her  face! "Oh ok" she said then walked away all of the guys laughed then me and Ava walked over and sat down to watch the game Adam sat beside me "hey are you ok" he asked "ya I'm fine I'm just nervous for the competition tomorrow" I said "hey you got this" he said then it was there time to play.

Paper rings//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now