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"So y'all are going to have to split the ice" dean said WHAT!!!! Both of the coaches said at the same time "no way dean my skater needs to be concentrated, not distracted!" My coach said "ya some thing gos for my players" Wilson said "scarlet go do some laps or something" my coach said "ya I need to get my players warmed up boys!!get on the ice and do some laps until I say stop!!!!!" Wilson I  started to do some laps then the boys got on the ice Rick skated up beside me " hey are you ok that fall looked bad" he asked "ya I'm fine" I said "whatever want to race? He asked "no way your going to beat me-" then I skated as fast as I could " your a cheater!" Rick said "ya ya sure you just can't keep up" I said "scarlett stop playing with that boy and do some jumps" my coach yelled at me I started to do jumps

I looked for a open spot on the ice and I lined up and did a triple axel right when I landed it I hit someone and fell to the ice "omg I am so sorry" someone said "it's fine" I looked up to see Adam he put his hand up to help me up "thanks" I said "so your a figure skater" Adam said "yup surprise" I said "hey!banks stop talking to my sister!!!" Rick yelled "hey if I was you be ready rick and the guys take you super hard on the new kid to varsity" I said skating away to talk to my coach "ok so we have to split the ice because of the hockey team so there is our side now go do a double axle than triple axel" she said "ok" I skated and lined up and did the jumps but fell on the triple axle "scarlet were is your mine huh were is it your skating like you don't know what your doing!!!!" All of the hockey team was talking to there coach and they just looked at me so I started to skate over to my coach and toke off my jacket and through it at her it's almost hit her in her face if she didn't move

The rest of the practice was a living nightmare
The hockey team's practice was over and my coach make me run through program like 5 times then she said practice was over

Hiii guys sorry for the short chapter the next chapter will be long

Paper rings//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now