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I woke up to my phone ringing I looked to see what time it is it was 5:00 so I got up and got ready to do go in my run

I ran 5 miles then I came home and got in the shower then I got out of the shower and put on jeans and a shirt I dryed my hair and walked downstairs,I saw rose "hey rose" I said "good morning ms.Riley" she said back then someone knocked on the front door so I walked over and opened it to see cole,scooter there they just walked in "oh ya just walk in" I said "ya ya where is Rick" Cole said "hello to you to" I said back they just looked at me "he's in his room" I said then they walked up to his room then my phone was going off I look to see Ava calling me I answered it "hey ava" I said "hey scarlet did you hear?!" She asked "hear what?" I said back "there is a new guy on the varsity hockey team and he's a freshman!" She said "ok" I said "AND!!!I heard that he is super cute!!" Ava said so excited "ok what dose that have to do with me?" I said "maybe-" "no no no I know we're this is going" I said "come on getting a boyfriend maybe be good for you" she said "no! I need to focus on skating and my grades-" "scarlet!!! All you do is focus on skating and grades like come on get out of your little bubble for once!" She said "omg Ava if know all this stuff about him why don't you ask him out" I said "ummmm no I like someone" she said "omg who is it!" I asked "I can't say" "we are best friends I will not tell" she said "nope that is not the point I had a boyfriend you haven't" she said "ok whatever I will see you at school" I said "ok bye" "bye"

Later rick,Cole, scooter came out of ricks room and Alex came out of his and we went to school Cole and scooter got to the school first then we go to the school Alex went over to jack and I was with Rick we walked over to his team then we got over there "scarlet meet the newest varsity player" scooter said and then I saw Adam "oh hey Adam" I said "hey scarlet" he said back "wait y'all know each other" Rick said "ya we have 3 classes together and I helped him with his locker" I said "oh really" Tyler said "oH rEaLlY yes really" I said then someone put there arm around me "omg god Tyler I knew you talked a lot but my gosh" I looked to see Ava "be quiet Ava" Tyler said "I'm good but hey at least your little brother is a really good kisser" Ava said Tyler's little brother is a freshman but is on the basketball team "ok that's is enough Ava let's go" I said "I will see y'all later bye" I said me and Ava walked away "I see you met the new guy I told you he's cute" Ava said "omg Ava will you drop it" I said "nope" she said as we walked to my locker

"I am just saying it would be so cute" she said "stop!!!! My gosh" I said "never love you" she said walking away "love you to" I said [ before y'all come at me they love each other in a best friend way] I got my books out of my locker I closed
My locker and saw Adam "hey Adam" hey do you mind if I walk you to your class" he asked "not at all" I said back " "so you never told me that your brother is Rick Riley" he said " wow are you obsessed with my brother" I said "what-no no I just never thought that you are this little sister" he said "well you are not going to stop talking to me now are you" I said "what-no never" he said "ok whatever you say" I said then we got to homeroom

                                    Time skip to lunch
The bell rang it was lunch I walked to the lunch room and sat down by scooter and then Adam sat down beside me today for some reason scooter was on a talking spree about his and ricks Spanish teacher saying how she is crazy then he pick up one of his fries "frie" he said to me and hit me in the face with it "no thanks" I said "come on you never eat lunch now come on" he said "I will go and bye something if you stop talking about you Spanish teacher" I said "ok" he said back I when into my backpack and grabbed 5 dollars and walked up into the lunch line and got a apple and I was stupid enough to leave my phone on the table and scooter was going through it "hey! Get off of my phone!" I said "hey now I was just seeing if it was senior approved" he said " ya and that means by going through my text and calls and post" I said "ya" I said "wow it's a apple something healthy" he said "ya healthy" I said then the bell rang " oh well will you look at that I can't eat it" and then I walked away  to my gym class

In gym was fine we did noting and Ella was not there then my other class was ok I was sitting in my last class and we were reading then the bell rang and I was getting all of the stuff and then walked out of the class and then Adam was sitting there "hey Adam" I said "hey can I walk you to your car" he asked "sure" I said "so what are you doing after school?" He asked "I have practice" I said "for what" he asked "if I tell you I will have to kill you" I said "ok well I have practice today to so I will see you later ok" he said "ok bye""bye"

I walked to ricks car and got in "you and banks seem to be getting close" ricks said "ooooooo"
Alex said "alex if you don't stop I will make you go bald in your sleep" I said "whatever" Alex said
"I am just saying-rick drive the car" I said

We got home and I did my homework and I put on my leggings and a cropped sweatshirt with my skating bag and a jacket then Rick dove to the rink my coach was there "your late!" She said "coach practice starts at 5:30 it's 5:25" I said "whatever get on the ice" she said I was warming up on the ice, and I lined up to do a double axle then  triple axel and right when I landed  on the triple axel I fell right on my hip and slid across the ice it took me a minute to get up and when I did my hip was killing me "again!!!!!" My coach yelled at me I looked around and saw the varsity hockey team just standing there watching me they were in there gear there coach was walking over to my coach "scarlet again!!!!!" Then I lined up again and fell again on the triple axle

But this time on my butt "scarlet come take a break" my coach said I started to drink some  water "this is my ice time for my hockey team!" Ricks coach yelled at my coach "no it's my ice time!" She yelled at him then dean Buckley came over because ricks coach called him "I scheduled both of your ice time at the same time" he said "so y'all are going to have to split the ice

I am back sorry I have not been posting but I am back

Paper rings//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now