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Again,again!!!! I coach yelled at me for the 100th time i leaned over to try to catch my breath "did you not hear me I said again"!!! She yelled at me again I did my routine for the 100th time again "be graceful"!!!! My coach yelled "show more facial expressions" she yelled I lined up for my triple axel and landed it then my lutz right when I landed it my skate slipped and I fell right on my side "again!" My coach yelled "scarlet if you can land a axel you and land a lutz" she yelled "my skate slipped" I said "I don't care!!again" she yelled I started my routine again this time I landed it then I did my spins I did camel spin into a sit spin then my ending pose

"Ok scarlet your doing good and I have something to give you" my coach said "what is it?"I said "ok so here is your diet plan" she said "wait what! Coach a diet plan I way like 100 pounds?!" I said "honey your in the 9th grade you need to stand out so you can get scouts attention
And get scholarships ok" she said "coa- scarlet that is Enough I am your coach and you will listen to me!"she yelled "Ok" i said  "good I will see you tomorrow" she said giveing me the diet plan and walking away " this is going to be a long season", I thought to myself  I got off the ice and put my skate guards on then took them off and put them in my bag and put a shoes on and walked to the gym that Rick is at

I walked into the gym "well look who it is" Cole said "hello to you to" I said "hey scarlet we are about to leave" Rick said "ok" I said back "Rick you will not guess what my coach gave me" I said "what" he said back "A DIET PLAN!!!" I said "ok wait what! Scarlet your 14, you don't need a diet plan" Rick said "I know right she said because I need to stand out"I said "don't listen to her scarlet let's go get Alex then we can go home" Rick said then we walked to ricks car then got Alex from football practice and went home

I walked into our house and ran to the kitchen "hey rose[the maid] did you start cooking yet" I asked "no miss.Riley I have not" she said "hey can you make something in this diet plan" I asked "sure" rose said "thank you" I said I walked up stairs and put my skating bag on the ground and I walked to my bathroom and started the shower and then I got in the shower

Later I got out of the shower and put on my pjs and walked downstairs to eat dinner "ok miss.Riley I make you a salad is that ok?"
Rose asked "yes I love salad" I said I sat down and started eating and my dad walked in and started to eat so did my brothers later I when back to my room and when to sleep

Sorry for the short chapter I have been busy but I will started to post more often

Paper rings//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now