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I started my work out and I started on my pull ups and I did push ups and I ran and I when back up to my room and got a shower and when back downstairs and started some off ice training "wow your working hard" Jack said "well I am super competitive so you have to work hard" I said " hey you going to do good ok I just know it" he said "thanks" I said back "hey if aunt lily or dad wakes up tell them that I am on a run" I said "ok" Jack said I went on my run and come back and I saw Anna playing outside with Ava I walked over and Anna tackled me to the ground "hey scar scar" Anna said "hi" I said "hey where's my hey" Ava said "hello Ava" I said we walked inside and Rick had some of his friends over they were playing games on the xbox

I walked into the kitchen and then I got a text message form Ella

Ella-hey Scarlett I just wanted to text you and tell you that I hope you fall and get placed in 12th place and I will get 1st and just so you know don't you even think about going for you know who there mine you got that. Ps I hope you do fall and get hurt and can't skate!! Have fun!!!

I walked back into the living room and I showed ava "omg she did not" ava said looking at me " who did what" alex said trying to look at my phone "hey stop that" I said

                        Time skip

Later I was time to go the rink I changed into my skating outfit and got my bag, jacket and we left when we got there Adam we standing outside "hey Adam" I said "hey" he said back "I did not think you were going to come" I said "you think I will miss this ok look I have never been to one of these so I thought I could watch you" he said "ok ok well I have to go warm up so I will see you later" I said he walked away and went to sit where Rick was I walked back to the locker room and put on my skates my coach we giving me a little talk saying that I need to win and how I need to do good in warm ups and all that stuff

I got on the ice and started to warm up I was doing my spins and my jumps later it was time for me to do my program "remember smile and do good!" My coach said I did my program and it was clean, I was in 1st place "good job but you didn't smile like I said but we will work on that" my coach said after that I was over all 1st

Hey guys I am very sorry that I have not been posting but y'all I am going to be honest I love writing books for people to read ok but if your going to get mad at me for how I write my books and say there hard to read ok I get that some or a lot of my books are hard but here's the thing on my first book ever it was hard to read and it was cringy but it was my first ever book and people were like mad because it was cringy ok it's my first book ever ok ,now I just don't want to write anymore because of how people are

Paper rings//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now