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After my coach said practice was over I got off the ice and put a skate guards on and took my skates off and put on my shoes "Scarlett you need to get on the right track your mind was no where near it needed to be" my coach said "coach I was trying my bes- i don't care do you want to come in first this season huh?! If you do then show it to me!!" She yelled at me I just nodded my head then she walked away then I walked out of the rink and saw rick leaning against the wall on his phone he looked up and saw me " finally your done my god" he said "oh be quiet" I said "whatever let's go" we got to the house then I walked into the living room to see alex and Jake playing on the Xbox in the living room oh great Jake is here omg

I walked to my room and put my bag up and walked back downstairs trying to avoid Jake right as I turned a corner there was Jake "hey Scarlett" he said "hi" I said "so are you ready for the football game tomorrow night?" He asked "no" I said "well you should" he said "ok" I said walking away "hey so I was thinking maybe we can go out after the game?" "Sorry Jake but I am busy" I lied "ok what about Friday" he asked "Jake I have practice Friday night" I said "after your practice" he said "Jake I will be all sweaty and tired" I said "and" he said "Jake maybe some other time" I said "ok" he said then he walked back to the living room I walked into the gym and started to workout I did sit ups tried to do 10 pull ups did not go so well push ups also did not go good ran on the treadmill after I finished that I walked out of the gym and heard "run banks run!!!! Touchdown ya!" I walked into the kitchen and looked out of the back window to see Alex,Jake,rick,Cole,scooter, and Adam playing football then rose walked into the kitchen "hey miss.Riley" she said "hey rose do you need help cooking dinner?" I asked "no no it's ok why don't to go play outside with the guys?" "No I good but thanks" I said "your welcome" she said back I laughed then I walked to my room and put on some music and opened my window and my room is in the back of the house so my window faces the backYard then I leaded on my bed and started to read a book

Adams pov
After practice I got a text message from Rick asking if I could come over for dinner I said sure and my older brother dropped me off "my god there house is huge" I said to myself I walked to the door and knocked and Rick answered
"Hey man I am glad you could come" he said "thanks for having me" I said back we walked into the living room and I saw Cole and scooter "hey guys" I said "hey" they said there were two other guys rick sat down beside me "oh them two over there are Alex and Jake Alex is my little brother" Rick said "hey I am not little" Alex said "your younger then me so your little" Rick said "what about Scarlett she's is the youngest to" Alex said "wait Scarlett is your sister?" I asked Rick "ya crazy right" he said "no I just never saw that coming" I said they laughed later we were outside play football I know noting about football but I was doing ok then Alex gave me the ball and I ran as fast as I could to get a touchdown Alex yelled "run banks run!!! Touchdown ya!!"

Paper rings//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now