the other side (part 2)

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God au

Ship: dreamnoblade

God of beauty: dream
God of darkness: technoblade

Dream's pov

Me and the god of darkness just staring at each out I don't why I'm still staring to him I can't even move or run away I was scared that he might hurt me "don't be scared nerd I'm not gonna hurt you or something" "what do you mean you're the god of darkness" "I am but that doesn't mean I hurt people" I feel embarrassed myself I got up and picked patches "again what's a god doing in my area" "I'm really sorry my cat just run away and I chased it and now I'm lost" I said nervously I mean I was talking to the god of darkness and I was trespassing his area "I'm really sorry that I trespassed here" "it's fine I don't care that some other gods come here" "oh really that's a relief I was kinda curious about coming here" "say aren't you the god of beauty aka the god of creation little brother" "how did you know-" "isn't it obvious about your beauty toots" 'what did he just call me' "sometimes I wasn't a god of beauty"

Techno's pov

After what he said I'm curious why he said that I heard a lot about him and the books didn't lie dream the god of beauty my heart beats faster of course I want him not only his look but his personality and I like it "let me introduce myself names technoblade but call me techno for short" "uummm names dream" "so I hear one of the other gods want to marry you" "yes and why" "maybe I'll marry you instead the other gods" I said grabbing his other hand while the other was holding his cat "what I can't marry you I want too but it's against the rules and also we just met" "I don't care about the rules and everything you know I heard a lot about you in the book and it's all true I was curious about you not only your look but your personality and I like that that's why I want to marry you" "really I thought you only married me because how I look" my eyse wide what he said that why he didn't want to marry the other gods "of course not you know I'm different from everyone right" I walk close to him forcing up his chin then I kissed him after that I let go of the kiss and we just started each other and smile "did I missed something" I know that voice we turned around its the god of creation himself

Dream's pov

I was shocked that my brother was here "brother it wasn't it looks like" in that I noticed that techno and xdee were glaring at each other so I walk close to my brother to explain "dee please listen I'm sorry I wasn't listen I just came here an accident because I was chasing patches and I think I'm ready to marry if you ask who he's already in front of you" I'm still waiting his answer maybe he might rejected I mean I came here that my brother told me not to come here so he just sigh and....hug me? "I already know" "what but how" "will my little spy been following you of course" I look were my brother point at and of course his raven I forgot that we have our little messengers mine was an colorful bird called parrot exdee messengers were ravens "so your not mad" "I'm not I'm just glad your ok that's all and I'm happy that you found someone that who actually loves you" with that I smile that my brother agrees with so that I give my cat to dee so he can hold her I run to techno and hug him we just laughing and happy

Exdee's pov

I was happy that daydream found someone still don't trust the god of darkness and I know about the rules I didn't care all I want is my little brother is happy then a familiar voice came that I didn't hear it in years the god of life himself "I didn't know you came here for a visit" "hey phil It's nice to see you" "it's nice to see you too mate" "how's your wife and your other kids" "there fine and kristen she went back to her realm" "I see" the two of us just stared at the love birds "I can't believe your son was gonna married my brother" "sorry mate" he chuckled with that I'm hoping myself that my brother gonna had a great life

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