at least you have a home now

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Warning: mention weapons, swearing

Hybrids au

Moobloom dream
Piglin technoblade

Request by Lqv_Kuromiii

Techno's pov

I told phil that I'm going out for a walk at the woods "I don't think that's a good idea mate, there might be traps everywhere especially hunters too" "I know but I'll be fine phil besides I brought my sword" he sigh "fine but be careful son" "thanks dad and I will".

(At the woods)

I'm glad phil agree that I'm aloud to go out everything here was quiet all I can hear some birds chirping but I'm also being careful that there might be traps in here just like phil said everything was great until I heard some trap noises probably some hybrid been caught by a trap so I run towards were that noise came.

When I got there I hid in the bush so they never see me I saw two men walk towards the net and look at it "woah, looks like we got ourselves an rare hybrid" the hunter said while the other just laughing i saw the hybrid been struggling try to escape "don't move or we'll shoot you and sailing your whole body to the black market, do want that right....good" the other hunter said then the two was about to grab him I took my bow and two poison arrows and shot the two on their neck.

After I shot them the two drop the their guns and fall down 'I think they're dead' I got out from the bush and went straight to the hybrid and cut the net so he could escaped "are you ok" I said then my eyes wide that the hybrid was an moobloom and it so beautiful "hello sir are you ok" I got back to reality because he's voice so soft "I-uuhh yes I am I ask you a same thing" "yes I'm fine thank you so much for saving me" "anytime" he was about to get up but he's seems being struggle to stand up "are you ok" "yeah I'm fine probably I tripped down while I been caught by the trap" "here let me help you maybe I could bring you to my place so my father will heal you" "really ok and thank you names dream by the way" "technoblade but call me techno" I picked dream up in bridal style and walk back to the cabin 'dream his name was perfect'.

(At the sbi's cabin)

Philza's pov

It's almost night time and techno hasn't home yet I'm starting to get worried I know techno can handle himself but still I sigh and pray if he's ok until I saw a familiar figure came towards here I smile it was techno and he brought something no someone I went out of the cabin and my surprise that he brought an hybrid "techno thank goodness your ok I was getting worried" he chuckled that I'm being protective right now (overprotective dadza pog) "sorry I worried you Phil and can you help" techno said and he show me an hybrid and got injured who is asleep peacefully for my surprise the hybrid was kinda rare "ok let's go inside and heal him".

When we got in techno put the moobloom hybrid at the sofa who is still asleep while I went to the kitchen to get some aid kit then I went back to the livingroom and start cleaning the wounds "son what happened" "well I was just walking around until I heard a trap sound when I got there two hunters almost took him away and I killed them" techno said and I was relief that my son was ok until I heard footsteps came upstairs and it was my other two sons "hey phil what's going on" wilbur said and came down followed tommy when the two got here they shocked what they saw and finally I finished clean the wounds.

Techno's pov

After explaining to my family I stared to dream who is still asleep peacefully I smiled a little how adorable he is 'wait what adorable why did I say that' I thought then my brother starts talking "you know moobloom hybrids can only came at night why he came at daylight" "we don't know that mate maybe he'll tell us when he's awake or maybe tomorrow" phil said so we headed to our room to do stuff tomorrow.

(Morning time)

I was still sleeping then someone open the door and it annoys me 'probably just tommy' I open my eyes a little and my vision was kinda blurry but I saw a person with a blonde hair and a green eyes 'wait tommy doesn't have a green eyes' I thought I sat up immediately and looked to the person luckily my vision became clear and the person was "dream!!" "uuhhh morning?" "what are you doing in my room-I mean I don't want to be rude-I just-why" "oh mr. philza told me to wake you up and sorry I came in without knocking" it's ok, wait did you already meet my family" "yeah when I woke up I got scared because I thought I wasn't at you cabin" he chuckled and it's cute I can feel my face red.

We went downstairs headed to the kitchen and saw my family already eaten then phil noticed us "oh you two are here come on it's time to eat" phil said me and dream went towards to the table then sat down at our chair and start eating.

While we eating wilbur starts the conversation "hey dream can I asked you some questions" dream look up to wilbur "sure what is it" "well your a moobloom hybrid right" dream nod what my brother said "moobloom hybrids came out at night time why did you came at daylight" "oh well, it's true what you said and I just want to see what it looks like at daylight" "really well thanks for answering my question dream" "anytime".

(After breakfast)

Dream's pov

After breakfast I help phil cleaning the kitchen while I was washing the dishes I look at the window saw techno cutting some wood he look so strong and handsome 'wait handsome!!' my face turned red what I thought "you ok mate" phil said I look up to him and smile "yes phil I'm ok" "are you sure your face is kinda red, are sick?" "no I'm fine" "ok if you say so" and that we continue cleaning.

After I washed all the dishes I went outside to get some fresh air when I got out the outside was beautiful just like I imagined I went to the river take off my boots and sat down while I put my legs at the water if feels so relaxing "hallo" I flinch because of that deep voice I turned around it was techno I feel my face turned red "oh techno you finished cutting some woods" "yep all of it" he said while he sat besides me we look at each other then turned away.

This is kinda awkward right now we just sitting and say nothing until he respond "hey dream" I look up to him "yes" "do you have a place to stay before you got out at daylight" I turned away looking at the water "actually I had one I lived at the small village with all the other prey hybrids and I was the only rare one but they were nice" I said then my smile faded away what I remembered "until the hunters came destroying everything especially kidnapped all the prey and killing them and I was the one who got away"

Techno's pov

I was shocked what he said and I kinda feel bad "that's why you came because you were tried to find a home?" "yeah I guessed and sorry I lied my answer" "it's ok you were just try to live" it was silent I'm still looking at him like he was about to cry so I cupped his face forced to look up to me and wipe his tears away "you know you could stay here with us" "really" "yeah my family didn't mind" "tha-thank you techno" "anytime" after that we keep looking at each other I leaned forward and kiss him on the lips for my surprise he kissed back.

Philza's pov

I look at the window with my two sons saw them kissing I smile proudly that techno found someone actually I noticed techno that he's acting good when he was dream not being violent and thinking about blood and everything after they kissed the two hugging each other "eewwww the blade had a boyfriend" "your just jealous tommy because you haven't had a woman yet" "shut up b!tch boy at least I wasn't dating a f*ck!ng salmon" "well at least she's a woman!!" "wilbur she's f*cki!ng fish!!!" I just sigh what they arguing 'why did I adopt this two again'

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