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Ship: dreamnoblade

Bottom: dream
Top: technoblade

Dream's pov

Today me, technoblade, wilbur, philza, sapnap, puffy, nikki, george, tommy, tubbo and ranboo are going to visit my old home nightmare smp that's were my brother and the others lives and I was excited when we were at the portal through the smp I light it up and the portal was on all of us went through the portal when we got there the place was beautiful "wow mate your brother's smp look incredible" "I agree with phil" everyone was mesmerized the place except for techno he didn't care much he just came because phil was going after that we went to the smp that's were meeting my brother we saw a different community house when we got there I saw my brother waving at us "nightmare!!" I run to my brother and hug him and he hug me back "miss you so much little bro" "I miss you too" after our hug I explained him that the others came too because they wanted to see here suddenly he agree but he warned them everything in here the smp so they understand one of us got separated so they can meet their opposite selves while me, techno and philza are going to the snow biome that's were their opposite selves lives just like they live too hours later we already at the snow biome and we can see the cabin when we reach the cabin I saw a piglin hybrid who is the same as techno chopping some wood "cyberknife!!!" I yelled his name he noticed me I run towards him and hug him suddenly we fell down the two of us just laughing after that we got up "dream it's been so long" "yeah anyways phil, techno this is cyberknife or knife for short the opposite of technoblade" "nice to meet you both" after introducing themselves I ask knife where redza is "hey knife where's redza" "oh he's somewhere at the cave mining but he'll be back" "okay" we went inside the cabin knife brought us some tea and we thanked him we just chatting around about me and knife that we used to train together actually nightmare and redza are the ones who trained the two of us then I noticed techno that he seem a little upset I was a about to talk to him suddenly someone open the door reveal it was redza he was so happy that he see me again "dream how are you mate it's been a long" "I'm good pa it's nice see you too" after that phil and techno introduce themselves to redza then philza asked "hey dream did you call him pa" "yeah me and nightmare always saw him as a father" after our conversation knife told me that I can help him to cook and I agree

Techno's pov

The two dadza were chatting while me just reading some book I bought then I always keep watching dream talking to the opposite me I gripped my book then I excuse myself when I got outside the cabin the snow biome in here is colder than the old snow biome so I was going somewhere else then someone came outside I turned around revealed was dream "hey tech you ok you look upset something" "nothing and I'm not upset" the two of just silent then I respond "so you and cyberknife guy were close huh" "I mean yeah we grow up together before I got my own smp" and that I had enough "wait techno where are you going" "I'm going back to your smp" "what why your gonna missed the festival tonight" "I don't care" "techno wait!!" and that he grab my hand to stop me "techno just tell me what's wrong I never seen you like this before" so I had enough I'm gonna tell him the truth "you know I like this is because I'm not from here" "what are you talking about" "I'm talking that you and the knife dude are so close together while we got here it's like you never talk to me ever again" "techno what are saying" "I'm saying that I like you" his eyes wide that what I said I mean me and dream were friends and rivals just friendly stuff since when he got to the smp and I had feelings for him when we got met "you like me but I thought you only saw me as a friend or rival" "no I really had feelings for I hid it because you never had a same" after that he walk closely then hug me "oh techy jealous aren't ya you should told me sooner and I also had the same feelings" "wait really" he nod I smile and hug him back and that I forcing his chin up then kiss him after that I cupped his face kissing his forehead "ok big piggy let's go back the others might get worried about us" I chuckled "yeah sure" I hold his hand and went back to the cabin

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