It was my fault

517 16 8

Warning: injured character, weapons, blood, panicked


Request by foodisgood2539

No one's pov

Techno told dream that he wanted to spar since the blonde doesn't do anything so dream agree the pinkette was waiting for dream at his cabin then he heard snow sound that someone came he turned around that it was dream "hallo" "hey bacon I'm here are you ready because this time I will beat you for good" "in your dreams homeless teletubby" "I told you I have a house!!!! It's just far away from here!!!" "yeah yeah whatever toots" "don't call me that".

The two already had their weapons they standing in front each other then techno did his first move dream backing away when techno swing his sword dream immediately blocked it (please imagine how they fight).

The two already exhausted of sparring but they haven't given up yet then dream swing his axe to techno almost got hit techno's eyes wide that dream almost hit him then the voices became loud











KILL HIM!!!!!!!

the voices became loud and words repeating the pinkette run towards to dream and swing his sword fast dream gasp luckily he jump on the side he saw techno standing in front of him he noticed his eyes turning red like deadly bloody red dream got up went to techno slowly make sure the pinkette was ok "techno are you ok?" then techno run immediately and hit dream with sword but dream blocked it fast techno keep swinging his sword and dream was tired "techno wait stop, snap out of it!!!" dream yelled while techno keeps hitting it almost broke dream's shield.

Then the blonde's shield broke his eyes wide then the pinkette hit him and fell on the ground and blood everywhere techno look down to dream who is on the ground still breathing until he snap back on reality "what the?" the pinkette was confused that his head was hurt he look down in shock that dream was on the snow ground breathing try to survive "dream!!" he kneeled down to help dream and he got panicked "sh!t, sh!t, sh!t, dream I'm so sorry!!!" after that he picked up dream he headed inside his cabin.

The pinkette still panicked while he was healing dream cleaning his wounds he blame himself for hurting his rival, his childhood crush after cleaning his wounds he put the healing potion on dream's mouth so he could drink it after that the bottle was empty and threw it away he keeps staring at the blonde who is unconscious "dream I'm sorry I didn't mean to".

(Night time)

Techno was asleep side on the bed until someone pat him on his head he groaned he woke for his surprise dream was awake "hey bacon" "dream!!" techno yelled and hug the blond immediately and keeps apologizing "techno it's ok I know it was an accident" "no it's not I almost kill you!!" "again it's ok I know it was a voices tech stop blaming yourself you just out of control" then dream cupped techno's face and smile a little "it was an accident ok please don't blame yourself for me" dream said with a calm voice and starts humming so techno can calm himself that's why the pinkette love his rival

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