welcome to the new smp

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Warning: angst (kinda?)


Request by Sabamoonlover

(The god realm)

No one's pov

The sky of the god realm was dark and lightning everywhere they've seen, exdee the god of his little brother's smp was fighting the other gods with the help of his friends the blood god and lady death as they continue fighting the other gods exdee use his communicator to call his little brother to warned him and the entire smp to evacuate

Dream's pov

While I was just at the community house cleaning I look at the window and the sky was dark and make me confused "huh weird it was sunny earlier" I said myself then the door open loudly making me flinch I turned around saw sapnap that he seems terrified of something "sapnap what's wrong" "I think you need to see this dude".

Sapnap drag me outside the community house I looked up and my eyes wide the sky is getting darker and lightning showing up, the wind started fast and starts raining then my communicator pop off that my brother called me then I answer it "hello dee" "dream listen to me I want you and the entire smp to evacuate!!!" "what why!! exdee what's going on and why's the weather in here the smp it's acting weird" "I was fighting with the other gods and don't worry about me and go!!!" then he stops calling I told sapnap to go help everyone and he agrees then I started typing at my communicator to tell everyone to evacuate and sending the coordinates.

Everything was getting worse the weather is getting strong worst part they were mobs coming out of nowhere while me and everyone already at the right coordinates but I didn't see techno, ranboo, tubbo, micheal and philza I was starting getting worried then I saw a two horse running towards here especially someone flying I realized it was them and I was happy "guys!!" when they got here techno and ranboo got down at their horse run to me and hug me "I'm so glad you guys are here" we break our and told them to inside the cave luckily I put the magic shield to protect my base but I haven't turned on yet so philza, ranboo, and tubbo with micheal run towards the cave followed me and techno with the horses while we were almost at the cave I saw micheal tripped accidentally let go tubbo's hand he yelled at micheal so I run to micheal and I heard techno screaming at me "dream!!!" I grab micheal and I saw the ground starting to collapse

Techno's pov

I run to dream and micheal in a hurry because I saw the ground collapse "dream come on!!!" "here take micheal your faster than me so I'll catch up" I nod we run to the cave while ground collapsing towards us when we got inside I give micheal to tubbo and hugging him and I turned around saw some shield suddenly my eyes wide that dream was outside the shield I run and banging the shield "dream what are you doing!!!" "Mama!?" I heard ranboo yelled came here and banging the shield "mama don't do anything stupid please!!!" ranboo yelled tears starting to flow from his eyes "dream come on this isn't funny please don't!!!" I felt tears from my eyes and continue banging the shield and saw the collapsing ground almost towards it "dream!!!" "Mama!!!" I noticed he took his mask off he turned around saw he was sadly smiling with tears from his eyes "sorry in case I don't see you good afternoon, good evening, good night" he said and he chuckled there's a hole on the shield he throwed his mask and I catch it the hole from the shield closed he bowed then he jumped from the collapsing ground "no!!!!" I cried kneeled and hugging his mask 'you idiot' I heard the others were crying especially his friends and ranboo then suddenly everything I saw was darkness.

I heard the tweeting sounds and it annoys me I open my eyes a little and groaned how my head hurts when I open my eyes fully I saw everyone already awake I sat up and god my head hurts I looked around knowing where we are I got up that we are in the cliff I turned to everyone if they're fine "is everyone okay" "we all good mate" phil said then suddenly a strange glitching light showed up until it was cleared I realized it was a hologram but for my surprise it was dream holding a baby in a hologram and the baby was ranboo I went towards it follow ranboo then the hologram or dream starts talking "hello and welcome to "HOME" smp if you guys are seeing this then I am dead...I build this server exactly like the dream smp but with no gods and phil don't worry kristin is here and she, my brother and the blood god are the only gods here she can visit you and you can visit her whenever you like, will I have blue here he is waiting for you in your house so is ghostbur, so are tubbo's bees, tommy's spider and discs your houses are already made made like the smp but more organized and more peaceful, techno and ranboo if you two are seeing this then I am sorry I hope I have been a good mom for you boo and I hope you have grown a lot, and techno sorry for leaving you like this don't worry all your pets are here too and always remember I love you".

After that the hologram shut down I feel tears started flowing I kneeled down started crying and screaming he's name to be honest I don't know what to do without him I hug his mask to my chest I also heard the others are crying especially his friends and ranboo then I feel someone hug me I thought it was dream because he always hugs me when I'm mad, tired everything but I realized it's just phil I hug him back that I already missed him and I know phil was crying he saw dream as his own son because how closed they are when phil need dream for something, after everything we started went down at the cliff to go to the smp like dream said, while we got there everything is kinda same like from the smp but different built but there all holograms and I remember my house at the snow biome I told phil and ranboo to go the snow biome so we split up because everyone was going to there own building.

When we reached at the snow biome we saw the same house back from the smp also my pets are really here so we got inside everything was organized I went to my room and saw a book at the bed I grab the book and open it, it was filled of pictures of memories with dream on it then a hologram appeared it was dream "hi techy your home" he said I remember this the day I was tired because how much work I had so a holo.. no dream walk to me and hug me "is my mighty warrior tired" so I had no choice to do it I hug him back "yeah I am just a lot of work" I said while bury my face at his fluffy hair I feel hands holding my cheeks he force me looked down to him and kiss me at my cheek for me it feels so real like I was back in time then he say something to me that I remember "remember techy I always be with you when your tired and I always love you" tears starting to come out fom my eyes I hug him knowing I couldn't touch him until he dissapeared, I went to the bed and sat down I grab his mask and look at it "I always love you too my little blob and I knew it's not the same without you".

(1 year later)

No one's pov

A little zombie piglin just play around at the lake until he saw a pink haired person had a smiley mask on his hip realized it was his grandpa so he followed without knowing the pinkette, minutes of walking they reach at the cliff micheal still following his grandpa and the pinkette stop walking making the little zombie piglin stop too the pinkette turned around and surprised that his grandson followed him he chuckled and went straight to the little zombie piglin he kneeled down and respond "you've been following me all the time aren't you" micheal nod techno sigh how his grandson being so sneaky so the pinkette pick up his grandson and continue walking up the cliff.

when the two reached at the top of the cliff the little zombie piglin saw a cave and the front of the cliff saw a tombstone had green hoodie on it, an axe and flowers all around it the pinkette walk to his lover's tombstone, he grab the mask from his hip and speaks making micheal understand "the green hooded person that you remember and this mask belong to this person, and this person is your grandma, my lover, and everybody that is here savior"

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