The Experiment

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Natasha tries to leave soothing pats Max on his back, groaning over the mess on his paws.

She catches him by his collar and dips to her knees with a nearby towel;

"What is in your- oh my god. Where the hell did you find a centipede this big-Spit it out v dannyymoment...Bruce? No Max. Sidet'! Bruce?!"

"Mama's home!" Rebecca's giddy squeal comes in clear as she darts from the yard through the kitchen. The back door collides with the upper cabinet with a loud bang.

Jennifer comes plowing through next at top speed with her t-shirt as filthy as The dog's paws;

"Welcome back!"

Max barks in protest over being restrained and kept from play, eager to join the girls as they circle the living room.

"Jennifer!" Natasha half stands as Walters slides her dirt over the living room. She shuts her eyes and screams louder, "BRUCE!"

"Daddy!" Rebecca rushes through the kitchen and into Banner's arms the second he comes through the back door.

"Nat?" His eyes are focused on the older redhead, "What's wrong?"

She sighs, eyes falling on her husband next. His button down is stained, hair a mess. She releases the dog in a huff and lets her hand fall slowly;

"...kakogo cherta."

"You tell me,' he nearly chuckles, 'I heard you screaming from the garage-."

"Why are you in the garage?"

"I was trying to take a look at the car."

"What's wrong with the car?"

"I don't know yet-."

"You're a mess."

"Don't remind me," he answers through his teeth.

"You left the door open? Max looks like he was rolling in the grass."

"No, I didn't,' the door rests against his hip as he shifts Rebecca into the other arm mid explanation, 'I thought Jen was watching the kids."

"I was,' Jen lays her hands on her hips, 'we were just playing in the yard, no big deal."

Natasha bites her lip and allows Max to go free. She brushes her romper off with a huff.

"I missed you," Bruce is trying to get her eyes up and she knows it.

Rebecca's cough does the job. Natasha finally looks up, watching her husband pay their daughter's small back.

Jennifer lets her hands fall and clap forward as she addresses Banner, "She's mad about the mud mess-."

Bruce scoffs, gesturing toward the kitchen with a shaky hand as if he's about to go green, "I'm mad about the mud mess!"

"I'm not mad about the mess,' the corner of Natasha's mouth curls upward, 'but know that you two, no, you three, are cleaning it up. The only one with an excuse not to is Max because he doesn't have thumbs."

"Give your mom a hug," Bruce mumbles against Rebecca's ear and crouches to set her loose.

Natasha dips down to her knees when she hears his whisper and squeezes her daughter when Rebecca throws her arms around the older redhead.

She eyes Bruce and loses her smile as she mouths, "You didn't get out of cleaning."

"I'll be right there," he grins and shuts the door.

* * * * * * * * * *

Natasha cuddles closer to her husband, her head on his shoulder after a warm shower.

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