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Jennifer tries her last-ditch effort amidst protests, finally permitting the door to open with one final warning, "You shouldn't be here!"

"I know that now open the door, Jennifer Sue-!" Tony Stark refuses aggressively and brushes his sleeves off in the hallway.

She huffs.

He grumbles, "I should've just used my keys and came in through the back. My fault! I was trying to be respectful."

"Since when?"

"What's the play, Walters?"

"There is no play."


"It's true," Jen lifts one shoulder.

"Wow," Tony wrinkles his mouth. He adjusts his sleeve and steps closer with a slower, softer tone, "Hmm! Okay! Fine. Then tell me; Who's the new Nat?"

"Natasha's safe,' Jen bites her cheek, 'the fewer people in on this the better."

The child's feet scurry across the floor, screaming as his toy car hits the floor, "Mommy!"

Tony lifts an eyebrow, "Two women and a baby...who isn't my niece."

Jen rolls her eyes and reaches for her blazer.

"Where'd the baby come from?" Tony pushes.

"You should be home with your family. I have a meeting to get to."

"Don't tell me what to do. Where are you going?"

"The prison."

"And you don't invite me?! I'm going mad over here!"


"You need to tell me what's going on. You've left me, all of us,' Tony taps his chest, 'but mostly me, out of the loop for far too long. I'm family."

"I'm doing everything I can. Your presence adds a needless drama right now, that I know Bruce would rather avoid, so please leave," Jen holds the door handle, "Out. Now. Don't come back."

"Have a good day, Natasha!" Tony yells up the stairs in sarcasm, "Holler if you need anything!"

"Quietly," Jen scurries to her car.

Tony adjusts his jacket with a glare, "You know I have keys and cameras and pull-."

"Shh!" Jen snaps, slamming the back door of her car to secure her jacket and bag.

He lifts his hands, reaching to climb into the passenger seat.

Jennifer secures her door and throws her head back against the chair, "Get out, Tony. Please."

"You're going to jail and I want to go with you."

"Go on your own time."

"I tried. He won't talk to me."

She throws her hands into the air, head whipping once she notices the white vans parked around the block, "Please go. Before the press shows up."

"Give me the keys. I'll drive. We could use the time to talk. Catch up a bit. How are you? How's life with Betty Ross?"

"Shut up!" She snaps and leans forward, "Are you crazy?! The car could be bugged."

"It is,' Stark extends his hands, open palm teddy to catch the keys he assumes she'll throw, 'Happy tapped in last night. My chief of security swapped some wires and gave me complete control of all your calls to Yelena and Clint."


"Fine, I've got footage of what's been happening to Bruce in jail. I have proof he's been poisoned and mistreated which should, at the bare minimum, get him into a new cell."

The Trial of Bruce BannerWhere stories live. Discover now