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Declin paces, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this photo was entered as Evidence- the date shown here only 24 Hours after the previously described conversations with Dr. Cho. Ignoring the horrific instrumentation and, to put it quite plainly, blood bath, what I'd like to point to is the vial here on the counter. You've seen this photo before, Dr. Cho?"

"Yes," she answers professionally, although her eyes fall.

"When and why."

"The day after my conversations. This was sent to me to give me additional experimentation options and further explore what went wrong."

"The conversation- the one where you suggested terminating Clone 10:02."

"Leading!" Walters announces.

The other lawyer groans, "-I'm sorry to interrupt Your Honor, but all things considering, I'm going to politely ask that I question my witness. They are drawn from previously established pieces of evidence."

"Objection overruled," the judge announces.

Jennifer tosses her folder in a light tantrum and sits back. She adjusts her glasses and whispers to her cousin, scribbling frantically.

Declin returns his attention to Cho and lifts his pen, "What are we viewing?"

Cho reaches to intertwine her fingers, "We are viewing the aftermath of a termination of Clone 10:02. Because there was residual Gamma-."

"Dr. Cho?"

"-a complete wiping of the laboratory would've been necessary-."

"Please wait for me to ask the questions, Dr. Cho,' he stacks his papers, 'What was your suggested method of termination?"


"Was there a conversation about incineration?"


"What are the components in this image, Dr. Cho? What chemicals would have caused such an incineration?"

She lifts an eyebrow and deflects, "You'd have to ask a chemist."

"Was anyone else made aware of the intent to eliminate Clone 10:02?"

Natasha holds her stomach first and then her head in nausea.

Cho shakes her head, "There was a community of researchers involved in this project, the same as any other experiment undertaken by one of our own."

The Judge shifts with insight and clears her throat after suggesting the community be left out of the discussion.

"Moving on,' Declin flicks his paper to the left, 'You were later contacted regarding the clone now referred to as 'Rebecca'."


"Miss Walters previously mentioned that  'Rebecca', is taken to see you."

"What are you getting at, Mr. Declin? I'm a biologist. The fact that a child visits me for medical reasons is worth discussing and wasting the time of this Jury?"

"Oh, I haven't finished my question, Dr. Cho. What I need to address for the Jury is her medical state. It has been addressed that the clone demonstrates a similar weakness in her lungs and heart as 10:02. Isn't that correct, Dr. Cho?"

"Clone experimentation is not foolproof."

"And Dr. Banner's previous solution concerning these issues was for 10:02 to be violently terminated, isn't that correct?"

Cho narrows her focus, sharp eyes fixated on the lawyer, "You cannot compare the two. The developmental pattern of Rebecca is far more advanced and complete."

"I'm referring to procedures taken to eliminate the experiment. And of the acidic components used-."

"-I am not a chemist. I am a cellular biologist and will speak on subjects within my understanding."

Natasha feels her temper rising with Helen's as she's asked to read medical documents, share her findings, and openly discuss Romanoff's daughter.

The spy shakes her head and swallows her anger, prepared to rise and punch the lawyer in his face.

"Rebecca,' Declin continues, 'would appear to have a fraction of Super Serum tracing through her veins."

"The minuscule fraction of a fraction comes primarily from her mother's blood. As it would've been impossible to cleanse every vial to the point of non-contamination, this is to be expected. It is a project we are working on and one of the reasons she visits. I was asked to eradicate the serum." 

"By who, Dr. Cho?"

"Dr. Banner."

"He has asked you to eradicate something potentially giving her life. Something that gave so many heroes healing capabilities."

"I have been asked to remove a harmful chemical that lacks experimentation on children. Something I have stated to be in opposition to."

"And yet this entire endeavor undertaken by Dr. Banner IS child experimentation...is it not? Dr. Cho, what, if anything, is being done to remove the traces of Gamma?"

Cho sighs, "I can't perform miracles, Mr. Declin. Science is limited, especially within the cloning department for a girl of her age, size, and with a specialized set of genes."

"As seen in your previous work with Dr. Banner concerning 10:02, do you believe termination would ever be a suggested solution for Rebecca's illnesses or so-called chemicals?"

"No. As the meta components are not currently posing enough of a health risk, at this time, -this does not mean they do not pose one, so please do not twist my vocabulary."

"Thank you,' Declin leans forward, elbows on his station, 'When Dr. Banner approached with his plans for Rebecca to continue clone experimentation with 10:04, did you have any reservations?"

"Leading, Your Honor," Jen clicks her pen and mumbles.

Helen shakes her head at the Judge's permission to continue. She sighs and takes a deep inhale;

"I was opposed to the idea of continuing clone experimentation."

"Did you make your opinion known?"

"I did."

"Why were you opposed?"

Cho clenches her jaw. She hugs herself;

"I...The concept of clone creation-."

"My question Dr. Cho,' he pauses, 'pertains only to Rebecca. Not clones in general."

Helen clears her throat, "My reservations, at the time, had to do with the data presented to me. Though detailed and well-researched, the problems of disease immunity and underdevelopment in the lungs were predicted at the initial concept of creation. The likelihood of Rebecca Banner surviving longer than five years and growing to maturity would be met with various developmental challenges."

"Who were these concerns shared with, Dr. Cho?"

She bites her lip, "I made it a point to document my worries to protect my license to practice after a private conversation with Dr. Banner. It was at this meeting that I recommended ceasing all experimentation."

"He was made fully aware of your recommendation?"


"No," Natasha mumbles under her breath and grips the bench underneath her.

"Thank you, Dr. Cho,' Declin smiles, 'you have been most professional."

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