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No matter how kind the doctor and Sinead are to Rebecca the following morning, the child is still disgruntled.

Rebecca has had her fair share of needles in a short lifespan due to various testing. She is frequently taken to different scientists to ensure she's growing at a normal rate. Nevertheless, Natasha assumes the same instinctual and motherly role.

Once Sinead spews the blood test preparation to Natasha in Gaelic, Romanoff nods in acceptance and crouches at the side of her daughter's table. She sticks her tongue out and makes a face in the hope that Rebecca will look up momentarily from her Hulk plush and pay Natasha focus.

She recognizes a bit of Bruce in their daughter when Rebecca stubbornly rolls her expressive brown eyes.

"Mommy?" Rebecca calls softly.

Natasha takes up her tiny hand, "I'm here, Malyshka."


"All rise for sentencing."

Jennifer adjusts her blazer and fights the urge to cross her arms. She elbows her cousin and investigates the empty chairs where the dismissed unfavorable jury once sat.

"I hate you for this," she grumbles.

"I know," Bruce whispers back.

The judge sorts her stack of papers in the size of a novel and sighs before referencing her diligent research.

"You know,' she elaborates, 'I have two daughters of my own back home, and I am beyond appalled to have seen what I've seen from a hero this city looks up to. The coldness we heard in your voice, the scripted references, it solidifies that, unfortunately, Dr. Banner, this city is safer with you off the streets."

"Shit," Jennifer mutters under her breath.

"For the murders of the clone referred to as B-Ex 10:02, I'm inflicting the maximum penalty of 20 years with the possibility of parole. For B-Ex 10:03, 20 years with possible parole consecutively. On count 3, the subject of B-Ex 10:04, I see significant signs of neglect demonstrated in her creation..."

Bruce falls completely numb, limp in the hold of the security guards that surround him.

Jennifer shakes her head.

"Your right to practice,' the judge removes her glasses, 'any medical, any scientific experimentation upon release will be evaluated by a licensed psychiatric professional as well as cleared by the FCVS, the ORI, and cleared by the board of Meta Mental and Psychiatric Association of New York State. When it comes to heroing, the Hulk is not to be seen or heard from while in prison. Dr. Ross will be presiding over this. Is that right?"

Jennifer grits her teeth, "Your Honor!"

The Judge waves her on, "I'm not taking inquiries at this time..."

"I'm appealing."

"Jen,' Bruce sighs as his arms are tugged back, 'Plan B."

"They're fine, they're fine. This isn't happening. This isn't real-," Jen tearfully admits louder than intended.

"I need you where I need you to be,' his eyes fill with tears, 'please."

Walters refocuses on the judge, who is eager to exit with an icy glare as she talks through her teeth;

"...I'm appealing the second you give me permission."


"She is a wonder," the red-headed doctor admits, with Sinead at his side in equal amazement.

Natasha lays her head against Rebecca as she eyes the screen, "Is there a reason for her injuries?"

"Outside of the obvious fact that she a cl-."

"She's my daughter," Natasha states protectively as if to dodge any incoming clone speak.

"I,' he sighs, 'Okay. Well, her aging heart is my biggest concern. Ya gotta find some way to contract the way it be pulsin' all the time-."

"Can you fix it?"

He gawks and taps his screen, "I've never tackled anything of this sort. Age is one way. Irreversible."

Rebecca drops the plush on her chest and studies the screen with squinting eyes.

Natasha takes note of the maneuver and begins to question if glasses are in her daughter's future.

Desperate and at the end of her rope, she explains, "I flew here for answers."

"Yes, well,' Sinead crosses her arms, 'answers we'll be givin' ya!"

The man stammers when he's poked, "Indeed."

"Stay here,' she pleads, 'we'll figure this out. For all of us."

Natasha nods with hesitation and cautious optimism.


"She's back,' Melina snaps her fingers from deep inside the modest kitchen of the rental house, 'the girls need food."

Natasha throws her pocketbook for the sake of cover on the floor and yawns upon entry.

Yelena holds a bowl full of mashed potatoes and lifts her shoulders, "So?"

Natasha yawns again while Rebecca runs off to be with Max and Fanny, "So what?"

"How did it go?"

"It went with an MRI, blood test, and CAT scan. The usual."

"I should have come with you."

"I need to do this on my own,' Natasha kicks her shoes off and stands, 'Becks?"

"No,' Yelena stops her in the hallway, 'I am here. You will do this with family. Okay?"

She nods slowly, eyes soft, "Okay."

"Dinner is ready!" Alexei pokes his head out and raises his arms.

"That's great. Feed Becks,' Natasha eyes the closed door on her left, 'I need to watch TV for a bit-."

"No!" Alexei coughs, "I mean."

"Don't watch TV!" Melina shouts, though Natasha still can't see her.

"Yelena,' Natasha raises an eyebrow, 'you have my phone. I'd like it back."

"No," Yelena shakes her head.



"What do you mean? It's my phone."

"Yes. And I lost it."

"You lost it?!"

"I sold it. Made good money."


"Okay! Okay," the blonde shoves the bowl on the stand and opens the coat closet.

"Natasha! Do not look at phone," Alexei pleads.

"Here!" Yelena aggressively hands it over.

Natasha takes it and swipes upward, viewing 30 flashing missed calls.

"It is not good, Natasha. Come eat first. Then we play with baby, and then you can look at TV and phone," Alexei tries again.

Romanoff swallows, shaking her head 'no' as she backs herself toward her room.

"Feed Becks," she pants, breathing becoming frantic.

"Natasha," Yelena calls as she and Alexei step forward together.

"I need a minute," Natasha breathes heavier and closes the door on them, locking herself in the small bedroom.

The Trial of Bruce BannerWhere stories live. Discover now