Dr. Cho

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"Dr. Helen Cho," the woman announces herself and her credentials as she is sworn in and takes the stand.

She is a practitioner for Rebecca Banner, advisor to Bruce Banner—a knowledgeable geneticist.

Natasha would argue the only word absent from her verbal biography would be 'friend'.

"I was very involved in both the initial stages of Rebecca's development and continue to be so after her birth."

Jennifer pivots mid-question, "It is interesting you use the word 'birth' when describing the clone B-Ex 10:04."

Helen smiles, nodding in her seat.

Natasha shifts uncomfortably as the topic is elaborated on. The distance between herself and Rebecca since her 'birth' has closed dramatically. Seconds after holding her child, Natasha began to develop a bond.

Still, memories of running out of the lab to avoid holding her baby still haunt her. Knowing she had even an ounce of regret and fear of responsibility eats away at her soul. Natasha hopes the last few years full of free hugs and love have more than made up for it.

"Can you explain to the jury,' Jennifer closed her forefinger and thumb together, 'the role you played in the development of project B-Ex, if any?"

"Certainly,' Helen calmly answers every question with professionalism, 'I believe I am allowed to reference the diagram before me?"

"Yes, please. This is Exhibit 18 from evidence. If you could break that down for us, along with your connection to the project, if any."

Helen's thin finger can be seen as she brushes the screen before her, "Dr. Banner first came to me with the hypothesis that could create functioning human gametes from stem cells. What this would mean in simpler terms is alternative human reproduction. I counseled and advised Dr. Banner in his experimentation. I was involved in the initial evaluation along with monitoring the growth of the clones and have been involved in Rebecca's development to ensure she reaches growth milestones."

"Why did you agree to aid in the experiment?"

Helen processes and responds thoughtfully, "I agreed because Dr. Banner and Agent Romanoff wanted a child. In our world, heroes exist. Sometimes our heroes possess mutated or altered DNA to house their tools. This, unfortunately, comes at a great cost to those who want to settle down and start a family. I wanted to help give them some semblance of normalcy."

"Thank you for answering my questions. Did you and Dr. Banner complete any documentation prior to research and experimentation regarding local law?"

"Our experimentation was documented for research purposes. We completed all required papers regarding ethical practice, and although my involvement was limited, I ensured various liabilities were put in place to protect my license."

"What if anything came out of the experiments you've described?"

"The B-Ex projects 10:01-10:04 became successful human egg cells using bone marrow and skin from Agent Natasha Romanoff and Dr. Bruce Banner."

"Thank you, Dr. Cho. Exhibit 18, the document opened before you. Do you recognize this?"

"Yes. This was a diagram I had drawn with a hypothesis on how to extract both the Super Serum from Miss Romanoff's chromosomes and the Gamma Radiation from Dr. Banner's."

"Why was this necessary-."

"Objection!" Declin protests, "Leading."

"Why was this diagram drawn up," Jennifer is struggling not to roll her eyes from what Natasha can see.

Helen nods, remaining professional, "The Super Serum was intended to be used on developed DNA for that of a teenager and young adults. Experiments have not been made and should not be made on a child between the years of 1-12 due to hypothesized stunted brain development and the reverse intended effect of stunted muscle growth. As for the radiation, I believe that is self-explanatory, but Gamma Radiation damages tissue and can mutate susceptible DNA. Considering the risk the Hulk's radioactive DNA imposes, we worked to find ways to extract those elements as much as possible."

"Thank you, Dr. Cho. I am going to call your attention to Exhibit 3 for just a moment. Earlier today, excerpts were read that involved your name, and I would like to gain clarification on this for the jury."

"Yes, Miss Walters."

She is requested to and reads the paragraph regarding termination fluidly and without a hitch.

"Do you have knowledge of what Dr. Banner was referring to in the paragraph that starts with, 'As we approach week 12, clone B-Ex 10:02's heart and lungs have only begun to develop and with complications'..?"

Helen nods, "The clone's cells were beginning to reject development in favor of growing Gamma. The radiation was overpowering the DNA to the point in which blood was being constricted."

"Did you admonish Dr. Banner to terminate the experiment?"

"Yes,' she states sadly, 'the passing of 10:02 was inevitable, and rather than permit the child to suffer through her final moments, I suggested an early and humane termination of the clone."

Jennifer Walters stands still, sniffling and pausing to compose herself, "What was the response to your suggestion?"

Helen brushes her nose, "It was not a pleasant one. I had a long conversation with Dr. Banner that evening in which we hypothesized ways to successfully stop the spread of the radiation, including but not limited to amputation and organ replacement. Ultimately, however, a reasonable solution could not be found, and the clone was terminated."

Jennifer briefly circles to check on her client, who has his hands over his face. Natasha sits on the side, and despite being in the farthest back row, she can see Bruce's lashes are low, suggesting his eyes are closed. His knee bounces anxiously.

Romanoff grinds her molars together, suppressing her own emotion over the event she refused to be present for.

Natasha could spit when Declin stands and exchanges places with Jennifer. His sly smirk caused her stomach to flip into a knot.

He needlessly has Helen repeat her credentials, circling back to the clone's termination as if he enjoys tormenting all in attendance with the details. To make his point, he harps on questioning what precautions could have been and were not taken to save the life of the clone.

"Ladies and Gentleman,' Declin sighs, 'I must warn you that this next piece of evidence may be disturbing to view. I move to submit Exhibit 35 into evidence. A photo-."

The judge sighs, "Alright. Hold on for one moment, Mr. Declin. Miss Walters; Is there any objection?"

"Yes," Jennifer a small gasp can be heard from her, holding her stomach, "I object. May I approach?"

"Yes, Miss Walters."

Declin rolls his head upon Jennifer's return, "Your Honor, my I approach?"

"Yes Mr. Declin."

Natasha holds her head, nauseously aware of what horror is about to be laid out on the screen in front of them.

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