Back to Scotland

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"He's going to speak?" Laura stands dumbfounded at the television.

Natasha's head whips from off the Barton calendar she's invited herself to. She eyes the news in shock and scrambles to Laura's side, reaching to raise the volume as a spokesperson announces that Bruce Banner will, in fact, be taking the stand.

Romanoff swears under her breath as she sinks into her hip.

"This is a good thing," Laura encourages.

"Is it? To talk about a failed creation destined for a short life full of pain and suffering," Natasha asks impulsively.

She bites her cheek, "No. That's not what I meant. Bruce might be able to break that stubborn judge down just enough. That's what you need right now. Jennifer knows what she's doing."

"I'm sorry. It's just that-. Every witness has fallen short."

"Exactly. You don't need a witness; you need him to talk. You need Bruce to spill exactly what happened, no matter how afraid you are of that."

Natasha shakes her head sadly, "He's tired, Laura. The man I see every day sitting in that same place with...vibranium and every hulk-deterring weapon positioned inches from his skull, isn't my husband...I'm starting to feel that the only reason he's fighting is for us... You haven't seen him, not in person. Every day he sits there and takes every, goddamn accusation and insult Declin hurls at him head-on."

"This is it, Natasha. You need him to take on Declin and the organization making these accusations directly. That's the only way this ends."

"The evidence is stacked against us."

"It doesn't matter. None of that matters."

Natasha finds her focus low. She brushes the rug underneath her feet and crosses her arms with a somber realization she expresses with caution;

"He's going to incriminate himself."


"Bruce isn't speaking for the sake of gaining favor. We're out of witnesses; He's trying to buy me time. He's been navigating the conversation, again and again...That's what he's been trying to tell me since day one,' Natasha pivots in the living room with wide eyes, 'every single one of our clones has failed except for Becks. And now that she's demonstrating these same tendencies, it's all! It's up to me to help her. He's been trying to send me a message this whole time. None of this ends the way I want it to. He won't even let me see matter how hard I try. Jen denies me; the guards have somehow managed to block every alias-. For some reason, he also needs to take the heat off Rebecca. He's worried about something."


"He wants Becks kept out of it,' Natasha scoffs under her breath, 'he wants me left out of it...I need to move her-. Us."

Laura's expression falls, "Running makes you look guilty, doesn't it?"

Natasha shrugs, "I'm low on options. I've been kept out of the loop ever since Becks and I took off the first time. Bruce is keeping me out for a reason. And damn, it must be a good one."


"I trust him, Laura. If he's willing to leave us, there's a reason. There's got to be. I need to trust that. It's all I've got left,' Natasha swallows, 'Becks is all I have left."

The woman eventually nods beside her, stern with strength in her voice as she asks,

"What do you need?"

Natasha shakes her head repeatedly. She closes her eyes and bitterly spews her words, "I think I need to go back to Scotland."


"That's where Bruce wants me to be. He believes...somehow, everything wrong with our daughter can be resolved at an institution that once failed terribly with sheep. He must believe we can prevent her from having the same fate as the rest of our- of our kids."

Laura shrugs, "You got all of that from a Morse code he attempted to reach you with a month ago?"

"Morse code and a whole lot of courtroom jargon,' Natasha twists her jaw, 'I wanted him out. I thought he'd be free by now. And. That we would leave together."

Laura sighs in defeat and lets her weight fall.

"What?" Natasha questions.

Laura shakes her head, lower lip suddenly quivering, "That's just. It's so far away."

Romanoff nods.

"Will you,' Laura sighs, 'call your sister?"

"I will."

"I can pull what little strings I have left."

The redhead wraps an arm around Laura, receiving a hug in return.

"We don't want to lose you," Laura mumbles.

"You won't,' she reassures, 'that is where Becks an I are supposed to be; I've known this. Trust me I- don't want to leave. This is home. With you and Clint and the kids. With Pepper and Tony. It's all we've known. But I have to do what I can for Becks. I'm not kbaliftsironvannyy."

"Hey! Yes, you are. You are her mother,' Laura reaches to adjust Natasha's chin at eye level, 'you are just as knowledgeable as anyone else when it comes to Becks. Do not ever believe you somehow lack the intellect to keep your daughter alive, safe, and healthy. Bruce trusts you with this. So do I. You know what's best for her. Better than anyone."

Natasha allows her chin to fall and lift ever so slightly, "Okay."

The Trial of Bruce BannerWhere stories live. Discover now