Mama Melina

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Alexei offers an awkward glance to Natasha at the breakfast table of their rental kitchen.

Melina has already retracted her eye contact when she moves on to collecting the dishes to put them into the wash. And Yelena sits frozen with the latest forkful of waffles stuck in her mouth.

Natasha can feel the unrelenting gazes on her back as she digs into the refrigerator and chooses a beer. She tosses the cap onto the table and chugs.

"Morning," she mumbles.

Alexei blinks and answers first, "Good morning."

Yelena shakes her head in a frustrated twitch and drops her fork, "How is Rebecca?"

"Fine," Natasha answers.

Yelena's jaw falls open as if she's ready to prod.

Romanoff pushes forward and through the kitchen toward Melina and reaches for the nearby towel to aid dish drying.

Melina grins silently as if her mental gears were turning.

Natasha exhales in her presence and finds the corner the safest place, not only in the kitchen but in the house as a whole.

Yelena clears her throat aggressively behind her, demanding attention that Natasha has no interest in providing.

Alexei is whispering to Yelena based on the muttering continuing behind her. Natasha can't be bothered, fixating on the way the towel folds against the curve of the bowl she's drying.

Melina's attempt at a subtle glance doesn't go unnoticed and they make eye contact.

Natasha can't help but shake her head 'no,' huffing as she tucks her chin.

Melina throws her towel over her shoulder and softly addresses Yelena, "Tetya should go see Rebecca...See if she want breakfast."

The chair Yelena was previously sitting in scrapes against the floor with urgency.

"Alexei," Melina calls next, 'refill car for gas. Natasha need to drive to campus."

"I drive Natasha!" Alexei snaps back.

"No,' Melina kindly argues back, 'shhh! Go fill the car, Alexei. You go. Go."

He groans, reluctantly complying.

Natasha bites her cheek and watches Melina pay unnecessary attention to towel folding now that the room is emptied and silent.

"You sleep enough, Natasha?" Melina eventually asks.

"No," Natasha answers.

She can't help but scoff when Melina silently extends the beer bottle in Natasha's direction.

"I do not like this drinking in morning." Melina frowns despite the act.

The spy swishes the liquor in her mouth, sighing with her mouth full.

"It is no good for you," Melina continues shamelessly.

Natasha swallows and refills her mouth, and rolls her eyes as Melina mumbles, "My girls are strong. They fight."

"If I fight this, I look like a bad mom."

Melina hums, fixating on a scrape left on the counter, "My mom was bad mom."

"Oh?" Natasha raises an elbow and leans her weight against it.

She waits for no reason, knowing Melina won't share anything more.

Natasha stands before the clear windowed back doors and mumbles, "I'm out of ideas. Everything I do is wrong."

Melina snorts, "That will happen."

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