First Witness

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Tony Stark loves to brag about himself and his credentials. For the first time, it doesn't bore Natasha to hear it as she sits in the back row of the courtroom in her blonde wig and necessary spy decor.

Remaining subtle is her priority today, especially as Stark has brought the papers and publicity with him into the trial this morning.

"Mr. Stark," Jennifer stands as she circles the stand.

"Miss Walters," he smiles back.

"Would you please tell the Jury how you first came into contact with Dr. Bruce Banner?

"I met Dr. Banner on a Helicarrier. A large, luxurious, technically advanced flight vessel,' Tony adjusts his glasses as he sits above the crowd in the box he's expected to testify in, 'I had this preconceived idea that this genius man with 7 PhDs who dedicated his life to gamma and physics would be a stuck up dick-."

"Your Honor," Mr. Declin raises his own from a seated position.

"-Instead, he struck me as a wise, intellectual man who was down to earth. I vibed with him. His alter ego was fascinating, if I may."

"Objection, Your Honor. Relevance."

"Overruled. I will, however, admonish Mr. Stark to proceed with language appropriate for the courtroom,'' the judge lifts a finger, 'Continue, Miss Walters."

"Thank you, Your Honor,' Jennifer clenches her fists, 'Can you explain to the Jury how you came in contact with the Hulk."

Tony grabs his mic to adjust it, "The green guy saved my life after I flung a missile into space and started falling from the sky. He made sure I was safe when we hit the ground."

"And what was your relationship, if any, with Dr. Banner and the Hulk after the rescue?"

Tony adjusts his jacket, unable to sit still in typical Stark style, "Bruce needed a job and moved into Avengers Tower and was hired by Stark Industries as a scientist for Research and Development."

"What was Dr. Banner's latest employment status within Stark Industries?"

"I prefer not to use the term 'employee'; he is a colleague. A friend. But in technical terms, he is full-time, salary based."

"And what is the role of a scientist involved in Research and Development within Stark Industries?"

"Alternative energy sources and Artificial Intelligence. Space exploration, Advancements in medicine using his MD. Uh, technology, expanding the world's view on what could be possible."

"And when did Bruce Banner begin his role as a scientist with Stark Industries?"

Stark smiles to himself, "Well. I'd say about two days after the Battle of New York. He does his research. He cross-checked me multiple times before signing the contract."

Jennifer Walters' thorough questions continue, elaborating on Banner's expertise and Stark Industries' past, present and future goals.

Natasha's attentive gaze returns over a reference to the cloning matters. Her eyes focus on Tony's as long as she can't view her husband's facial reactions. From behind, Bruce has his shoulders stiff, mildly unresponsive outside of a shift here or there as he waits patiently through his friend's testimony.

The engineer taps his fingers on the desk, "Bruce knew it was a risk and took every necessary precaution before even opening a discussion on DNA. I'm telling you, this guy didn't touch a microscope until he opened every book, read every article on the subject."

"Did you have any reservations-?"

"Objection. Leading," Declin protests.

"Sustained," the judge announces.

The Trial of Bruce BannerWhere stories live. Discover now