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The jet nears its approach in a rainstorm with a bolt of lightning cracking above.

In a way, Natasha finds comfort in the sound. Perhaps Thor is looking out for the duo in some way as she nears the country's border.

The steep cliffs and green pastures provide relief from vast blue waves, telling Romanoff they've reached their destination.

She makes a call over her headset full of codes and requests permission to land.

"You're clear."

Natasha knows that voice, smiling solemnly to herself upon ensuring Rebecca's seatbelt is secured behind her, and makes the descent.

Her headset falls in favor of Rebecca's voice once they land.


"Malyshka?" Natasha turns.

"Everything is green."

Natasha snorts, eyebrows lifting as she steps through the aircraft to address the seatbelt;

"Last time we were here, your father didn't like that part very much...You might, though."

Rebecca's eyes look elsewhere, a broad smile on her face.

Natasha is aware of another woman standing behind her who needs no introduction despite Rebecca's excitement to provide one;

"TETYA! Mama! Tetya!"

"Lena Junior," Yelena Belova crouches to her knees and opens her arms to her niece.

Natasha rests an elbow over her knee and watches them hug, amused when Max makes his way to Fanny for nose kisses.

She stands, "Tell me you have a car."

"No,' Yelena glares, 'we walked here."

"Cool," Natasha reaches for her bag.

"The rain is pretty bad—"

"Give me the keys."

"I will not," Yelena's jaw drops, standing as she parts Rebecca.

"It's my baby in the car, I'm driving."

"You do not trust me? I drive with my baby,' Yelena points to the dog, 'in car all the time."

Natasha exhales, "Your baby doesn't require a car seat."

"She has seatbelt!" Yelena reaches to take Rebecca's bag, "Your volosy looks bad."

"Thanks! You're so encouraging."

"Oi. You and the box dye."


Yelena clears her throat, "Dad is mad at you."

"What?! You TOLD THEM?!"

Melina storms onboard in a long black coat, reaching to kiss her cheek, "Natalia! You never call unless you need something."

Alexei stomps on behind her, crouching to scoop Rebecca up, "You are so big! potseluy dedushku!"

"Mama?!" Rebecca squeals in concern.

"Put her down, please,' Natasha cringes, 'She's startled because she barely knows you."

Alexei drops Rebecca, "That is YOUR fault she does not know PAPA!"

"We've been a little busy," she reaches to brush off Rebecca's knee.

"Not too busy for TETYA! Only too busy for DEDUSHKA!"

Melina steps between them to brush Natasha's long blonde bang to the side, "What happened, beautiful girl? You tell Mama everything that happened."

"I'm fine,' Natasha sighs and then glares at Yelena, 'I didn't want you to worry."

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