Through Another Day

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"Tony is being asked to take the stand."

Natasha sits up in bed with a sigh and with a swirl for her wine glass, "And you said?"

"Honey, if it helps you and Bruce, we'll do it."

The redhead closes her eyes monetarily as she sits on the guest bed of the Barton's. She ditched her empty wine glass and grips her bare toes. She exhales, checking to ensure the bedroom door is closed.

Natasha mulls over day 2, stuck on various triggering terminology and phrases constantly being readdressed.

"They're brutal," she states plainly with little emotion.

Pepper exhales on her end of the line, silence following the conversation while Natasha swallows away the saliva pooling in her mouth. Her eyes fill, looking upward to suppress the tears.

"Things happen for a reason," Pepper finally answers.

Natasha rolls her tongue on the inner portion of her cheek with half an eye roll, "We're being punished over Becks. We were happy, Pepper."

"I know, Natasha. I know."

"I'm not sure what reason there is to penalize a scientist who does things by the book. For protecting the city from potential gamma contamination."

"We both know Becks is an anomaly. It's not about Bruce or the experiments prior. It's about getting access to her. The right to study her-."

"-She's a child."

"She's a clone, Natasha. One of a kind. And if you don't want to lose her, it...It's unfair. Truly. But you need to protect her at any and all costs."

Romanoff shuts her eyes, inhaling a sharp breath, "...He's not coming home."

"We don't know that for sure."

"I feel it,' she checks her door once more, whispering, 'he put the spotlight on himself for her sake. He' know."

Pepper paces, a brief rustling on her side of the phone line, "Go to our place in Cali."

"I can't."

"You can. And you should. You need to get out of the city for a while."

"We're mid trial."

"Get her out of here."

"This is our home."

"If you truly suspect something or, someone sinister-."

"There's not enough proof."

"Regardless, get out while you still can. Before it's too late. We'll handle this. You know we've gone through far worse."

"I can't leave him,' Natasha spats quickly, 'I can't. He needs me."

"He thinks you've listened to him and gone overseas anyway."

"He knows I'm here."


She scoffs, "He saw me. We made eye contact as I left the court today."

"Oh my god."

"Yeah...he looked...disappointed."

"I'm sorry."

"He causes me to slip up even in stealth mode."

Pepper laughs lightly on her end, "This is hopelessly tragic."


The door creaks open, revealing a smaller redhead with her hulk plush in hand when she begs for her mother's attention, "Mommy?"

"I'm here, Becks,' Natasha lowers the mouthpiece of her device, 'what's wrong malyshka?"

Rebecca darts forward and begins her climb onto the bed, one knee and then the other without sacrificing the plush in tow.

"I'll call you tomorrow," Natasha offers Pepper a final remark before ending the call and politely grinning over some small reassurance.

Rebecca invites herself to the blanket and crawls underneath headfirst.

"Becks,' Natasha reaches, lightly and playfully shaking her daughter's shoulders, 'what are you doing under there?"


"From what?"



"In Lila's room."

Natasha nods, retracting her hands after not receiving the reaction she'd hoped for.

"Mommy?" She calls from under the blanket.

"What Becks?"

Her small head pops out from the blankets, "We can go home now?"

Natasha's hand reaches to brush her daughter's curls, lips pressed against her small cheek.

"Come here, you,' The spy sinks in her bed and pulls Rebecca close, 'we are v otpuske."

Rebecca judges, nose wrinkled as she glances around the room, "Mommy?"


"...vacation is boring."

Natasha sighs, eyes once again closing, "Yeah, it's boring."

"Daddy still works?"

"Daddy is working."

"Why Max here?"

She scoffs over Rebecca's concern for their dog, "Max is here because we're here and Max has to stay with us."

The girl lifts her toy, analyzing the stitching.

"I love you," Natasha offers softly.

"I love you," Rebecca repeats, lowering her toy to hug her mother.

Natasha kisses her forehead, "Do you want the sunshine song? Or story time."

"Sunshine song," Rebecca yawns.

Romanoff plays with her daughter's curls with gentle fingertips and reaches for her previously ditched phone to search for her Rebecca playlist and starts the requested song at a low volume. She swipes up on a text message from Yelena, deciding she'd address it in the morning.

Natasha sits up just enough to shut the switch of her nearby lamp.

She's made it through another day. They all have.

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