Chapter 19

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I woke up to the sound of pitter patters against the window. It was raining.

I looked over at the nightstand, yawning, to find that the clock said 6:03pm. River was laid beside me peacefully, her quiet snores going straight through my ears.

I gently shook her side to side. Her eyes opened slowly. She looked at me with bliss in her eyes. She stretched her arms above her head and yawned cutely.

I kissed her gently and smiled "I need to go."

I was getting off the bed when she grabbed my arm. I looked back at her so see sadness in her eyes "Please don't go."

"I promised my daughter I'd be home." I said.

"Well... can I come with you?"


"Can I come with you? You know the crazy neighbour." she pouted.

"There isn't a lot of room; it's not my house."

"Oh, who's is it?"

"My guardian's, she adopted me."

"You haven't been able to move out?"

"Haven't been able to get a job."

"You can just ask her for financial help."

"I could but wouldn't I have to owe her back or something?"


"Besides, I'd need to find a house that has enough room." I interrupted.

"Don't panic about that. We can just stay at your guardian's house and just figure it out from there."


"I know there may not be enough room," she interrupted "But if needs be I can sleep on the sofa so your guardian isn't having to do so."

"No, I'll sleep on the sofa."

"When you have a kid? No way! Let me sleep on the sofa."

"It just doesn't seem right." I rest my head on her shoulder blade.

"I know," she gently moves away from me as she lays on her side and kisses my forehead "But I just want to get out of this neighbourhood and if it means I sleep on the sofa so the guardian can do her duty and the mother can look after her daughter then that's what I'll do."

Our eyes connect as a smile escaped my lips "You're too caring."

She steals a kiss before jumping out of bed. She throws my shirt at me as she puts hers back on.

"Shit it's creased." I panicked.

"It could be a lot worse." she pulls her hair out as she reassuringly smiles at me.

I smile back "True." I quickly throw mine back on then sort it out as much as possible.

"You're too scared." she giggled.

"Maybe," I replied "Because I've been gone for an unreasonable amount of time."

"Relax," she brings herself to me as she placed her hands on my shoulders "I can help explain."

"It'll be hard to explain to a five year old." I giggled a little.

She smiled and pulled me into a hug "We'll find a way, okay?" she kissed my ear and kept me close to her.

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