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ayana pov

"you're so beautiful" john say

"and you're so handsome" i smile before putting on my shirt

i begin fastening the buttons when suddenly he comes up behind me and helps me.

i look at us through the mirror. we are such a hot couple. john is a quiet,nice loving guy and that's exactly what i like in a man.

we've been together for three years and they're the best years of my life. he just started working at the prison with me a year ago.

i turn around to face him and put my arms around his neck. i look up at him smiling. he's so cute.

"i love you" he tells me

"i love you more" i say

"i'm going to go ahead and head to work. when we get off tonight,i'm going to take you out to eat" he say

"well...there's something i have to tell you" i say

"what's that?"

"i'm working until 1am" i say quickly

"okay that's fine,i'm pretty sure you'll be hungry when you get off so i'll cook something" he say

"okay" i smile

"see you at work baby" he say before leaving out of our room

i put on my belt and suddenly hear the front door close letting me know he has left.

i head to the night stand beside my side of the bed and look in the last drawer. i grab the container and grab enough weed to make a blunt.

i grab rolling paper also and put it in a tiny bag. technically it's legal here so i can smoke it as much as i want.

the problem would be when i'm illegally selling it. i really don't smoke for real,i just have it in case. i feel like today is going to be chaotic.

i grab my jacket and bottle before heading out the room. i walk to the kitchen and fill my bottle with water.

once i'm done i put the bag of weed in my bra making sure it's secure. i leave out the house and get in my car to go to work.

once i get to work i put my bag in the basket before walking through the metal detector. i grab my bag and then begin making my way to where i'm needed.

i see stella standing there on her phone. "finally! hi" she say

"hey stella" i say

"my birthday is next weekend and i was having a little get together. you and john are invited" she say

"i know i'm off next weekend but i don't know about him. i'll ask him though" i say

"you don't have to come if you don't want to but just know your invited"

"i do want to" i say

i leave out the room and head down to ms.figueroa office. i walk inside and close the door behind me.

"i did something bad" she say

"what did you do?" i ask sitting down

"i can't say it out loud...it's...i'll text it to you" she say

she grabs her phone and begins typing on it and soon i get a notification.

natalie figueroa

i slept with an inmate

my jaw drops opens and i ask "i thought you were straight?"

"i thought so too,she just...i don't know...it was something about her that just led me in" she say

"did you perform oral sex on her?"

"yes" she say

"oh my-"

"what the fuck do i do? this is horrible."

"you can start off by not telling any one else. just pretend it didn't happen. go hook up with random men and you'll forget about it" i say

"you're right."

"who was it?" i ask

"i don't know. i'm pretty sure she's new here. she had black hair and blue eyes. she was also shorter than me"

"well mostly everyone is shorter than you" i say "wait...i think i know who you're talking about"

she open her mouth to say something but it's interrupted by the sound of the code black going off.

i stand up and leave out the office and begin looking around.

"we sent matt to the scene so you can go to. it's the janitor closet on a block" janae tells me

"alright" i say before running towards the block

once i get there i see an inmate hanging from an extension cord on the light. "did you call?" i ask matt

"no" he say before pulling the body down

"what the fuck are you doing?" i ask

"i killed her" he say

i look at him in disbelief before he say "i gave her pills,she OD so i put her up there to make it look like a suicide. when you call them..you tell them it was a suicide or i will blame it on you"

"i'm telling. you're fucking weird. how do you even still have this job?"

"try me. i'll easily put it on you" he say

i have hated this man every since i started working here. here he was once again proving how much of a bad person he is. i don't say anything else to him but pull out my phone.

before i could dial a number i see paramedics rushing towards us with a stretcher.

matt smirks at me before turning towards them. "i got her down,it was scary for officer anderson and i to see" he say

"we got it from here" one paramedic tells us

i walk away knowing there was nothing i could do. as i walk cast bunks i see the inmates looking at me curiously.

i head to the bathroom and pull out my phone.i look at myself in the camera before wiping my face.

suddenly the door opens and stella walks in. "you okay?" she asks

"yeah...um i need to tell you something because it isn't right to just keep to myself" i say

"what is it?"

"matt...gave miller pills and she overdosed and he made it seem like she killed her self" i say

"what the fuck" she say

"i know right"

"you have to tell someone" she say

"i know" i say

"i fucking hate him so much" she say

i look at the clock on the wall to see it's time for the inmates to head outside.

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