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ayana pov

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ayana pov

i'm standing in front of billie's house waiting for her to open the door.

i seriously can't believe i'm doing this. i came back like i was the one who cheated? this is so embarrassing for me but oh well.

the door opens revealing billie and when she sees me she smiles. "hi...you look great" she say looking me up and down still smiling

"thanks" i say before walking in

she closes the door behind me. "so uh...i'll show you to your room" she says awkwardly

"nah...i'm staying in a hotel" i say

"oh" she say

i stand there with my suitcase in my hand just looking at her as silence takes over.

"well you want to sit that somewhere?" she asks  "i'll take it for you"

"sure,thanks" i say before she grabs my suitcase

i walk over to the red sofa and sit down. i pull out my phone to see my mom texted me. i was about to type a reply when billie comes back.

she sits down beside me,her hair now in a ponytail. "i want to start by saying that i'm so sorry for what i did and i know my sorry will never make up for what i did but i regret it so much" she say

"yeah it will never make up" i say

"i was sleep and i was woken up by someone kissing me so i thought it was you and i was happy ready to make out but then she touched me and i opened my eyes and i saw it wasn't you...i should have stopped it right then and there...but i didn't" she say

"and why didn't you stop billie? why was it so hard to not fuck someone that wasn't me?"

"i-i don't know" she say

"how do you not know? there had to be a reason" i say

"i don't know and i'm telling the truth when i say that i literally don't know. i'm in love with you and i did such a shitty thing"

"you're not in love with me" i say "you think someone in love with me would cheat on me?"

"don't say that!"

"how could i not when i find you and my 'friend' in MY bed,in MY house having sex" i say getting angry all over again

"i understand your anger towards me but please i'm trying to get us to move past that"

"most past it ? really? how can i move past that? you literally told me yourself that you cheated in your past relationships because you didn't even then like that."

"i like you,you know this for a fact ayana. we were getting a house together and everything"

"but you messed that up!"

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