Chapter Seven: Hester

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It had been two weeks since you had broken down in front of Lady Lesso. You had started to attend your classes regularly, and learned the names of your roommates, Dot, Anadil, and Hester. They hadn't really paid you much mind during the beginning of school, but once you started leaving the room, and going to classes, they would take your things and hide them, or break them and leave them on your side of the room. You would try to ignore them to the best of your ability, but them being in the same classes as you and living in the same room made it difficult.

Waking up, something felt off, looking to check the time, you saw your alarm clock shattered on your nightstand. You frantically got ready for the day, putting on an oversized sweater, black jeans, and your boots, before grabbing your watch that you kept locked in the drawer of your nightstand. You looked at the watch, eyes widening when you saw you were thirty minutes late to Lady Lesso's class. You rushed out of your room and down the flight of stairs. Even though the class was two hours long, you felt uneasy walking in late. You had been told by Lady Lesso that today would be the day to display your "special gifts" to her and the rest of the class. Finally coming to a halt before the large wooden door you take a few deep breaths before opening it. "How nice of you to join us Y/N." Lesso said, causing your roommates to laugh. Looking down you proceeded to your seat in the back, not bothering to make eye contact with your teacher. One by one each of the students showed their less than excellent gift to the Dean, causing her to either roll her eyes or groan in disappointment.

You and Hester were the two students left out of the class to showcase their talents. Lesso, thinking the idea brilliant, had you and Hester "duel" using your gifts. You had no clue what yours was, so being in front of a girl with a deranged smile on her face scared you. Lady Lesso gave the silent okay for the "duel" to start. You stood rooted in your spot, while Hester moved her hair to the side, showing a dragon tattoo that started to move. The tattoo came to life, a dragon on fire was now above Hester, with one movement of her arms, the dragon flew straight towards you. This caused your feet to become unglued to the floor as you moved out of the way of the dragon. Hester continuously sent her dragon after you, making it clear that it was her talent. You on the other hand hadn't shown any sign of one. "Use your talent Y/N." You heard Lady Lesso yell as you avoided the dragon yet again. "I don't have one." You replied back, not focusing on the animal flying towards you.

Before you could process anything the dragon had pinned you to the ground, whilst still on fire, causing it to burn both your clothes and skin. You screamed in agony as Hester laughed along with the other two of your roommates. "Hester you're not allowed to kill anyone till after graduation." Lesso screamed, causing the raven haired girl to laugh. "It's better this way, don't you think. I'm doing this school a great service, removing the weak links, if you will." She said, turning her attention back to you. It took only seconds before the pain and heat caused your body to slowly stop fighting. It wasn't until you were fully unconscious that Hester stopped. With a proud smirk on her face she turned towards the red haired dean, expecting to be met with a pleased look. But instead etched on the older woman's face was that of pure rage. She yelled for everyone to leave as she kept a tight hold of Hester's arm, waiting for the guards to show up. Once they arrived she threw Hester to them, signaling to take her to the Doom Room.

Once everyone was out she shut the door to the classroom, and rushed to you. Quickly taking off her jacket she knelt down beside you, looking at the damage the monster had caused. Your face was bleeding due to the deep cuts the dragon left when trailing its talons down your face. Your body on the other hand was worse, your sweater had burn holes, the patches of skin showing were now covered in third degree burns. Your legs thankfully looked better, having only a few surface burns. Placing her face into her hands, as a few tears fell, she thought of what would happen after this. Would you be mad at her? Would you never talk to her again? The thought spiraled for a few minutes before she collected herself again. Getting up she moved to her desk, sending her cane back to her room by magic before sending a letter to Dovey asking her to come to the School for Evil as soon as possible. She knew that Dovey's healing powers were stronger than her own, and wanted to make sure she had someone there to look at your burns.

As she finished sending the letter off, she heard a quiet groan from you and hurried to the raven, giving it the letter before rushing back to you. "Hey darling." She said softly stroking your head. Being able to tell that you were one-hundred percent lucid, she continued to softly caress your hair, as you lost consciousness again. Taking this opportunity she grabbed her coat from her desk draping it over your burned skin before carrying you back to her room.

On the way to her room she would check on you, looking at your face, her eyes began to water. She was mad, mad at herself for letting this happen to you. Mad that she couldn't have seen what was going to happen. Upon arrival to her room she entered and closed the door using magic, walking right to her bed. Placing you down gently she removed her coat and exchanged it for a blanket to cover you, before taking a seat next to you with your hand in her's as she waited for Professor Dovey to show up. 

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